Saturday, January 30, 2016

a brief introduction to the setting of book 2 "heaven"

“and now, I would like to introduce you all to your newest classmate.”

his ears were twitching as he spoke, no doubt listening to my heart rate increasing, his thick and silken beard practically cascaded down his hakama and gi, and his eyes glowed a faint red from behind his much too dignified spectacles as he spoke my name in somber, sober tones.
“shinryu no masakado.”

a chorus of gasps fill the room as the words of my name ring out.

“a human? Here?”

“i've heard of him, he's supposed to be like, really strong and powerful!”

“that's a lie! All humans are weak!”

the principal, principal Lhok, turns to face me, his fox ears twitching above his head.
“well human, come in then!”
I'm not nervous.

Just…..really tired.

One step.

Two steps.
The silver light pouring through the classroom windows as I step into the somewhat dim room only make it more difficult for me.

School uniforms for the fox demons are primarily based on three types, male and female kimonos, and typical male student uniforms common to the land of tairo.
I'm wearing the common one, a black suit, high collar, straight shoulders.
I run a hand through my gray hair, mom says the gray is a symbol of godhood, she would know, being a goddess herself.
I'm not too keen on the idea.
It's short, a touch spiky to the feeling.

I inhale with the rest of the class, i'm just as surprised to see that most of my classmates are wearing kimonos.


YO?! what a pitiful response…

the class falls deathly quiet, as though i've committed some capital offense.

One of the students, a girl with silver hair and silvery fur on her ears, stands up.

“principal, can I…..claim him?”
the rest of the class gasps.

It's not unusual, fox demons are supposed to have that degree of power over humans, humans and fox demons live in separate societies but….fox demons are the more powerful race, and the agreement signed after the wars clearly states that humans, due to initiating war, belong to fox demons.
In a way it's kind of them to give us our sovereignty, despite being legally permitted to use us as they see fit.

“might I inquire as to the purpose?” the principal asked.

I kind of wanna sigh, he's a good guy.

Legally speaking I AM human, my mother's station as a goddess does nothing to change that.

“He'll need a supervisor, and nobody's volunteered...soo...”

“remember the law Ren, the weak are to be stripped of their rights, shinryu is not weak-”

“Sure.” I say, interrupting the principal.
The classroom gasps again, you'd think they were made of air the way they keep taking it in.

“If you want me the law is the law, I don't mind.”

well I don't.

“son.” lhok says, his tone low.
“I understand you wanting to be polite and all, but all things considered, becoming some random student's slave isn't an easy task.”

“thanks for your consideration principle lhok, but I think it would be rude of me to refuse such a generous offer.” I say with a bow.

The principal nods.
“if you're fine with it, just remember to inform your mother of the decision, else she'll be positively livid.”

with that he takes his leave and our teacher, madame selllsu bids me take a seat next to my new supervisor.
“I'm ren!” she says excitedly. “ren yara! Nice to meet you!”
“Name's Masakado, honored to meet you.” I say, trying to keep the informality out of my tone.

She smiles, pleasantly, but a bit hungrily too, as though she's in a war with her own impulse to abuse the power i've given her.
Legally if she does try to abuse it, there's not a thing I'm permitted to do, a fact backed by mother's own will, the law WAS set down by her after all.

After class we eat together and discuss some things, then she takes me for a walk to the cherry tree grove, it's like an ocean of pink in this place, the trees are never white, just pink, the flowers I mean.

She and I continue our stroll.

“shouldn't I be collared?” I ask her and she shrugs.
“I need to know that I can trust the depth of your conviction before I can consider putting one on you.” she explains, flashing me a cute grin.

“what do you want me to do then?” I ask, more unnerved by the lack of protocol being followed than by her acting weird.

She pushes me against one of the trees, and in the light barely filtering through the boughs so thick with sakura flowers it becomes all the more evident that the pink coloration in the air isn't just from the filtered light.

Though it helps to enhance the color of her….

I snap my head away, a bit embarrassed.
She leans in closer, until I can practically feel her breath on my cheek.
“masakado.” she warns and I remember that I agreed to this and turn to face her.

She's probably been staring at me, her face hovering mere inches from mine, for a minute now, and I find myself overly conscious of how i'm keeping her waiting.
Her eyes, red and alight with an internal glow, are narrow slits as her white ears twitch.

she shuts me up with a probing tongue, and I relax and accept the situation.

Rules are rules.
I thrust my hands in my pockets as she takes her time with me.
Legally, there's nothing I'm permitted to do.

Honestly not sure if I would try to do anything other than cooperate anyway, physical strength and a few slight physical differences are all that separate fox demons from their lesser counterparts, the humans.
So I sit back, cooperate, and try not to enjoy this too much.
Her tongue his hot, and oddly sweet.
Or maybe it's just the sense of gratification stemming purely from having someone touch me in this manner, I don't really give half a damn.

She pushes me down and I glance around as she settles atop me.

Nobody is in the grove at this time, probably because lunch is over and class is starting, meaning she and I are skipping class.

The blouse comes unbuttoned.

“ummm..” she begins nervously and I shrug.
“You're the master here.” I concede.

This sort of behavior, while unusual, isn't unheard of, and as a human I'm taught my place early in life.
Tools to be used by the fox demons, our superior brethren.
For any purpose.

The sad part? Thanks to mom's power any and all humans are permanently bound to it, not a single one of us can rebel without dying.
She sits there for the longest time, clearly nervous and unsure of herself.

Is this morally right?
Is it ethical?
Does it matter?

The part that wants to abuse the power is at odds with the part that's clearly saying “you've gone too far.” and she's half considering covering her exposed breasts.
I bring a hand up to her cheek.

“Listen, ren.” I say, trying to figure out the best way to explain myself.

“If this is what you want, I'm fine with it.”
“you sure?” she asked, clearly flustered.
“I signed up for it didn't I?”
I'm half hoping that these are the wrong words, like implying that i'm her slave and thus bound to be a tool might make her feel guilty.

I'm ALSO half hoping that this just makes her hungrier for the only human permitted within this circle of fox demon society for the first time in history.

Turns out the latter was correct, she leans in close, locking me in another kiss.

The rest of the noon is spent beneath the cherry blossoms as she calmly wipes the guilt away atop me, enjoying herself to the fullest, I try to remain stoic, it's improper for a human to enjoy such things after all.
Least that's what I tell myself.
She doesn't seem to care, in fact, she rolls over to let me be the one on top a few times.
Fox demon stamina is legendary.
If I were a typical human I'd not have lasted this long.
But I was exiled from human culture for a reason.

Of course once we're done we head to our next class, by that time she's given me the collar she had purchased.

“it was one time only” she says.

I don't really care.

I'm not sure why, but I get the feeling that I'm going to enjoy my time here at Kazegami university.

Sooo, yeah I wanted to see if book 2 could delve into relationships.

huh, how bout that?

anyway, for book 2 the chapters involving masakado will be told from first person, whereas the chapters involving a certain someone will be third person.

I'm also considering altering the love scene here to be more explicit, the reason being the dark lord zer0 series isn't exclusively one thing.
it's not romance, high fantasy, or sci fi, but it never strays from these things either.

so when I paint a sex scene or something, I don't want to focus on it as though it's an expected part of the story and therefore erotica, but I do want to put these sorts of things into the book as a way of showing "all extremes" of story telling by not censoring or hiding anything. 

this was just a prototype of this scene I typed out, but expect me to expand a bit more on the love scene in question, as well as descriptions of the classrooms and so forth.

the dark lord zer0 may be inspired by final fantasy, but I want to make it clear that it's an extreme sort of story that visits extremes in all ways, the good AND the bad.

another point of this chapter is that it displays a culture built around strength vs weakness, the structure of the society favors fox demons exclusively, and while humans and fox demons populate the world equally, there is a clear segregation of the races, where the sole interaction between the two species in in slave-master relationships.

in this world humans are subservient, but this isn't "they're subservient and will eventually break free because JUSTICE-" no, there's no freedom for these particular humans because the conflict ended due to the efforts of a particular goddess of death who decided that humans had offended her.

thus she set laws that became the founding laws for human life, a human that rebels dies and their soul is reborn a year later. no escape to the afterlife if you try to rebel.

the fox demons for all intents and purposes are the dominant race and that remains until the end of the book, where I conclude masakado and ren's arc.

as for the name, both the name of the land the setting takes place in, as for masakado's full name, both are references to three things.

first, tairo no masakado, the legendary warrior turned patron diety.
second, this is meant to also be a reference to the masakado from shin megami tensei as well as to imply how powerful he might be.

shinryu, his first name, is a reference to the final fantasy dragon, this was a deliberate name choice both as a reference, and a means to represent masakado's nature as a character.
he's basically like a sleeping dragon, fearful of its own great power because if it moves, it only causes harm.
thus masakado is passive and takes many things in stride, to better avoid being forced to display his power, a trait we'll see yet again during the void arc with another character.

book 2, heaven, will feature the dual adventures of masakado and reaper as the two struggle in their respective realities. 

this is meant to be a reference to persona 3, but inversed, and you'll find out why later.

expect me to rewrite this to be a tad more explicit, but don't expect it to just be erotic all the time.
just once or twice, depending on my mood.

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Man I really want to write the plot to a videogame.

I've been at this writing business for only a small amount of time, but so far i've enjoyed butchering english for money, it's quite enjoyable!!

in all seriousness though I really want to focus on stories that are best translated into videogame format, the dark lord zer0 is one such book which could become either a final fantasy 1 clone or a devil may cry clone, but the general idea is basically that I want to express myself in a way that other people can experience.

anyway, just a rant, here, have a video!

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

My first impressions of monster hunter X

Okay, I haven't played cross very much, mostly I've stuck with one playstyle, bushido, and I'm loving the game as I've played it.
this is less of a review and more of a first impressions wall of text, so bear with me and remember, this is just my opinion.
my 100% accurate, infallible and totally perfect in every way shape or form entirely factually on point opinion.
MHX sucks.
....the end.
.......I was kidding. it's actually really, really good. Like, amazing.
I have a few observations i'm going to disguise as complaints/praise.

Monster hunter X starts you off in belna, beruna, or whatever you call it. you meet the chief, kiss some goats, pet a baby goat and have him sleep in your bed which is in no way creepy or strange and entirely endearing (and believe me, in this day and age that's harder to pull off than you know)

Your first hunts are straightforward, "prove yourself by gathering things!" says the chief. Okay, I gathered things, now what? "kill some monsters!" "Okay, killed some monsters, now what?" "go visit two villages and help them out!" "Oh goody! two entirely new villages to see that have all the same original facilities and are basically just every other town minus the guild hall! ya- wait is this kokoto? is that pokke? IS THAT YUKUMO?!?! I CAN GET ALL THE STARTER ARMOR SETS FOR EACH VILLAGE PROVIDED I ASSIST THEM AND GET TICKETS TO MAKE SAID ARMOR, AND THEIR WEAPONS?!?!?!?"

so it slowly puts you into a situation where it's suddenly very easy to become overwhelmed by the sheer amount of stuff that needs doing, the cat chefs need you to mix ingredients for them, the people need you to fulfill menial arbitrary tasks just like they did in 4u,
Remember 4u? where you were the hunter with the big eyebrows and your image was falsified by your surrogate caravaneer family to help you make a name for yourself/help them find an ancient elder dragon cub who would grow to be your rival? yes? good because it's basically the same system, but with a twist.
red speech bubbles are vital information, each village has a point system, the more you help each village, the more they reward you and give you tickets for making village specific stuff, but more importantly, the more you progress with each village's "story" which is basically a nostalgia mirror of their original plots.
with Kokoto it's basically the classic rathalos and the eggs tale, with pokke it's the tigrex, with yukumo it's the surprise zinogre during your bulldrome quest and with belna it's their original story featuring what is quite possibly the coolest monster any ten year old has ever thought of; a fucking T-rex with a flaming sword for a tail!
and yes, that is precisely what this thing is, and it's just as awesome and cool as I type it out to be.

I made that up, but that's about how cool Dinovaldo is.
"But wait," you say as you eagerly type out a rebuttal, "those monsters aren't in those quests!!"
and no they bloody aren't! I say, because these are nostalgic "Mirrors" of those three classic main village quests, not actual repeats.
turns out for every portable title there's been a flagship specific to it, well somebody had the presence of mind to say "why just one" and lo and flipping behold we have four of the fuckers.

we have an electric wyvern who I'm entirely sure is made out of heavy metal and death in place of the rathalos quests,

 we have the world's greatest bubble dragon in place of zinogre,

 and for the first time in gaming history, we have the lord and protector of the popo tongues in the mirror popo tongue quest, A GODDAMNED POPODROME!!!!

well, he may as well be, because he's just as scary as you'd imagine a popodrome would be, and he's literally one name change away from being the popodrome, it's no coincidence he's replacing the tigrex's popo tongue quest, he killed the tigrex to protect the herd!
Lastly of course is our lord and savior dinovaldo, slayer of gog, bringer of awesome metallic roars and dominator of your ass.
water combat is of course gone in this installment, but that doesn't mean out leviathans aren't around, that's right we get all the big boys like lagiacrus, etc who get to come back and put is in our place, in fact, of all the monsters to get a retooled moveset, lagiacrus has now become the game's resident black mage because now he can summon lightning at will and has a pretty impressive array of the SCARIEST GODDAMNED LIGHTNING ATTACKS I'VE EVER SEEN IN GAMING!!!

but it gets even better, you see one of the biggest improvements to this game isn't just the sheer amount of stuff you can do/make, oh no, it's also the visual effects. old areas make a return, they're somewhat refurbished but mostly the exact same. they get a gentle retexture, forest and hills now has reflective mud puddles which add to their aesthetic a bit, and the zones are retooled for convenient climbing. the problem i have with this is, if they were going to give us back the old areas but refurbish them, couldn't they have added at least two addition spots to the ancient maps? forest and hills was practically begging for an area at the foot of the overhanging area atop the mountain! that could have been a great place to add an additional nest or something!! aw well, it's a minor complaint, we got some good new versions of older areas, no sense in getting greedy....
in order to access each village flagship you have to help each village, rack up points for lols and do the village specific quests indicated by the symbol next to their name. you also get a visible indicator by way of a list that pops up whenever you get a new quest, it's not entirely necessary but is a welcome addition for the sake of its existence.
aside from THAT, you could easily finish the main game in little to no time at all by just doing belna quests and unlocking the single most adorable endgame cutscene in gaming history, not spoiling that one for you, despite the fact that I haven't finished the game and spoiled it for myself like a knob.
so, the other three villages are basically your sidequest system, nothing special, you can choose what to do and where, and as you work through the villages you unlock cameos from old characters who couldn't make it because their village wouldn't fit on the bottom screen cough(mogasucks)cough(thechiefandjuniorarealrightthough)cough
One of the biggest additions isn't even practical however, it's entirely aesthetic.
every single movement, fireball, dust cloud or anything even remotely resembling a special effect has been visibly ramped up for no actual reason.

I'm talking a rush of air pressure around a velocidrome biting at you for crying out loud! wherever they could put more flash and flair, they put it there, nothing was spared, not a single damned thing! there are more enhanced visual effects in this game than in a michael bay explosion, and believe me when I say that this is not only welcome, but just serves to make the fights with wyverns all the more spectacular. literally anything that could be revised, was revised.

those roar particle effects are literally just for show, but my god they add so much more implied force to the roars!!!

like, cephadrome sand balls are now larger and have a lighter color to make it appear almost as if the cephadrome is spitting fire at you! and even when the illusion is broken by the sand landing, it still gives the impression that it just spat out sand hotter than the surface of the sun!
and it's not just special effects! the lighting engine in this game is entirely different, now we've got active lens flares instead of just static ones! the lighting system is doing its level best to be as realistic in an unrealistic environment as it can possibly be!!
remember khezu? and how dozens of quest and item descriptions would describe his hide as "pleasant to the touch" or "Pearl-like"?
well now the khezu's hide ACTUALLY LOOKS LIKE THAT!!! all these years I assumed that they were made of slime, now the khezu's skin tone is closer to a sort of hybrid between beautiful ceramic and aluminum foil!
visually, the game is going so far overboard I'm entirely sure it's set a new bar for crazy visual effects, this game's not even visually stunning, it's just really really cool and fun to look at!!! monster attacks now seem to have more of a force to them, tail swipes actually gain more whooshing air effects when a monster is angry at you, electricity looks more like electricity! blights actually seem to resemble their namesake instead of just being impressions!! this is ten steps above the tri special effects, we're talking effects for something as simple as you landing!!!
and i bloody love it!!! seriously, I can't stop gushing over how much effort they put into the visuals, everything looks better, cooler, and faster. Oh I can imagine how those poor sods who always complained about frontier's flashy gameplay robbing the game of its value somehow must be feeling with this title! "it's all flash!" they said "the flashy attacks rob us of our hardcore gameplay! this isn't monster hunter if it isn't aesthetically subdued and humble on top of being brutally punishing to the point where dark souls is literally easy by comparison!!"
naturally they must be staring at this new portable title, which is basically more of the same but with flashy effects added to it, and trying to come up with a more stable, believable version of an argument that was probably meant for monster hunter online, the chinese ripoff which actually does suck, but they didn't bother trying to tell the difference when they made it!!

I swear there's so much flash in this game it's almost counted as a sin when something doesn't have an unnecessary flashy animation or sparkly effect tied to it (i'm looking at you vespoids) but it's really nice to have such ridiculously flashy effects tied to almost every miniscule element of the game's visual design, it shows that this game was a genuine labor of love and a lot of work and effort went into ensuring that when I sharpen my sword, the little puffs of light representing bits of metal I shaved off linger for a moment to float just a above my longsword in an unassuming spark cloud before gracefully fading into the air, never to be seen again.
Now as for other parts of the game, the visual design only serves to enhance the new "super attack" system, hunters arts.

you get four styles, each of which has its own art system and expands the combat moves of each weapon accordingly, I've only explored bushido but it keeps the longsword's evasion moves down to the point where you're forced to stay in and wear at your foe.
what little I've seen of this system is, at the very least in the bushido longsword's case, it's sort of broken.
did I mention how every installment of monster hunter had something broken? in p2 it was deathprize, in p3rd your autoguard charm made taking damage while gunlancing impossible, in 4u it was the insect glaive, in x it's absolute bushido evade into longsword gauge counter, I only have to hit a monster seven times with that counter and I basically send them limping, two more and they keel over!!
anyway, I'm glossing this over a bit because I haven't experimented much with the system, but you take on certain monsters and quests, etc and you naturally unlock more arts which do certain things. again, haven't explored it much.
Now on to what has got to be the best part of this game.

Remember in freedom unite how if you raised a cat to high enough levels and equipped them, they could almost carry a wyvern fight and kill things like tigrex and nargacuga?
I must have been the only one to discover that they could do that, but somebody must have known it was possible, because we've now come fully bloody circle.
in this game your felyne comrades are now playable, they have roughly the same damage output as the hunter, but less moves to employ for that, meaning for high rank hunts you really want the solid damage advantage of boomerangs and their skills.
nyantas are fun, but in my mind they're sort of the game's hidden easy mode.

let me explain, nyantas do just about as much damage as a hunter when you take the time to raise them properly. they have NO stamina, unlimited gathering tool uses, less space to hold stuff in, but that doesn't really matter if you're just going for insects or ores and nothing else, and more importantly, they can be defeated up to nine times! (ha! I get it.)
But this is the important part.
you can reset the first three lives, represented by acorns, if you take the nyanta to a nearby bed and have him sleep in it.
so in theory you could carry an entire hunt as a nyanta, never have to worry about hot drinks or cold drinks, always know where a monster is with built-in cat-senses always tracking it on your map, unlimited continues until time runs out by just hopping back to the bed, and the only thing in your way is your own damage output, easily fixed by boomerang skills.

so yeah, loving the nyanta system! it's not just an easy mode to me, it's more about the immersion factor, nyantas are very different from hunters, they have cat soecific skills and movesets such as the ability to set poison traps, etc. the only thing they CAN'T do is capture, you have to do those as a hunter (edit, I was mistaken, according to redditor falcozappy capturing is entirely possible as a nyanta. I was wrong......runs off crying)
so my opinion of mhx?
it's flipping glorious.
please do remember, my entirely factually accurate opinion is 100 percent correct and I can do no wrong, etc, etc.
please feel free to correct or enlighten me anyway.
no, seriously.
and remember, when you get your copy,
don't do what I did.
don't try to fight dinovaldo with your cat.
This has been a first impression by the brilliant and amazing gamer on youtube, general shitposter on reddit, hardcore gamer on a channel I'll not bother sharing because none of you actually care about my channel anyway and I won't ask you to try, the greatest gamer in the universe, arrogant self entitled nimrod, high king of the douchebags and dark lord of the land of fluffy duckies and bunnies within which there can be no safe haven for mortal men from fatal doses of cuddles and quacking attacks.
Please feel free to bomb my horribly simple impression into nonexistence, I didn't really try when I wrote it, but if anyone's interested in mhx, these are the facts as I've seen them while playing, and you should give it a buy, even if you must import it.
it's the best of every portable title in the franchise rolled up into one amazing game with tons of enhancements across the board. ten outta ten.
Edit: (added an arrogant closing statement and a few con complaints as well as made myself out to be the worst thing in internet history, just according to keikaku (editor's note, keikaku means plan))

Taking some time off to get ready for book 2, but also taking a step back to plot out the finale.

Book 2, heaven is going to be dark, cruel, and more importantly, it's going to highlight the complicated nature of the story.

However as I was getting back from school to get ready for the next day, I watched a video about undertale made by a fave youtuber of mine, gaijin goombah and he raised a perfectly valid point that I hadn't considered before.

Games, and stories today, have always been about oppressive atmospheres that give off this sense of despair.
few games, or stories for that matter, have ever bothered to tell happy stories with happy endings.

since the final arc, arguably the most vital one, doesn't actually have its conclusion formed this has lead me to wonder if perhaps it's high time to give this "hope" nonsense a try.

the fact of the matter is the dark lord zero is a story about losing hope, but in a sad way it's also a story about having absolutely nothing BUT hope and literally nothing else.
this is the double edged nature of a plot where the main character is literally hero and villain at the same time, the younger zero lacks hope and is filled with despair because he's having his possibilities stolen from him by his futuremost self, meanwhile the future zero has nothing but hope
hope that his nightmare will come to a conclusion once he finishes his act, as reality's greatest actor it is his sole purpose to be the villain for the sake of keeping the timeline intact, it's his job to be the bad guy, to be the core evil and the pinnacle of darkness.
But at the same time this is still zero, and once he becomes the lord of time and space, he has hope.
hope is essentially a central theme to the story, but it's a two sided expression, there's literally a duality to everything between these two versions of the same character because time has made the future self so radically different from the past self that it's unrecognizable to the degree of being impossible for zero to reconcile with.
in a way, it's a lot like the irreconcilable differences between dracula and gabriel belmont.
the difference is, drac and gabriel never meet, but the plot of the dark lord zero is sort of an homage to the idea of them doing precisely that.

anyway, back on topic, with the finale unformed, there's neither a happy ending, or a bad ending, and so I'm left with this decision.

the dark lord zero is an expression of my own frustrations with life's impossibilities and its grim nature.
the world is a dark, malicious, terrible place, and the earth portrayed in the dark lord zero's first act is basically a parody of real life in many ways.

But should I make good on my promise and give the story a hopeful outlook? would that defeat the message I'm trying to write?
with all things that are organic so too is a story, it shifts, it changes, it transforms, it's a neverending struggle for me when I imagine each situation, because I picture and envision it so many ways that reaching out and capturing just one consistent version of the same vision becomes a nearly insurmountable task.

all the same, I think I should take gaijin's observation to heart.

and perhaps paint a happier ending.
since I've only finalized the overarching plot's foundation, i can be creative, perhaps even go back on my word several times over like the dishonest villain that I am, I don't care!

but I think it's high time to work on a lighter tone for the character, one that doesn't end in tragedy.

they say there is nothing greater than a story, be it tragic or dark.

but I say there is nothing greater than the beauty of a dream.
and that's what a story, to me, is.

it's a dream we try to capture and pin down like butterfly being mounted on styrofoam.
beautiful, but tragic for the fact that we had to tie it down just to get a closer look at the fleeting beauty of its wings at the cost of its life.

Saturday, January 9, 2016

The Dark lord zer0's time loop story wasn't meant to be a big reveal at the end of the plot

when I first set out to create the story of the dark lord zer0, I wanted the timeloop to be revealed early because the entire point of the plot was learning how to cope with inevitability.

as a response to final fantasy tropes and rpg tropes in general, the dark lord zer0's plot is less about facing the bad guy who is threatening the world and more about the double edged nature of heroism.
what good is a hero in a universe created and run by a villain?
what matters most to a god, a being above death and life?
what is a man? what is he in the context of the last nightmare saga?
when I first introduced the villain, he went by the name and face of dracula for two appearances, this was primarily for two reasons, one, to give you a recognizable, almost offensive face to see, a one-dimensional bad guy you recognized. I wanted you, the reader, to see the use of dracula and roll your eyes and think "wow this writer can't come up with anything original"

and if I did my job correctly, that's precisely what you would have done, it would have intrigued you that I used a copyrighted character in a story like this, is it dracula? what's the point in using a vampire of all things? we just got done fighting a werewolf and this was the big bad? what is this? castlevania?

yes, the dark lord zer0 takes especially heavy inspiration from castlevania, chiefly the lords of shadow sub-canon, but that's just the thing, it's only inspiration.
Later on I reveal that this villain is actually a shapeshifter, he uses concepts, which are the amalgamations of ideas cast off by hundreds if not thousands of people to collect into a source of identity changing power, to alter his appearance and give himself power.

take for instance, dracula and vampirism, people think about it, they imagine it, they create their own idea of this character, in the dark lord zer0 ideas aren't ephemeral, they HAVE to go somewhere, they have to be placed somewhere when you use up the thought.

that's where the ocean of time comes in.
inspired by bram stoker's dracula's quote "I have crossed an ocean of time to find you." the ocean of time, and indeed, the castle the villain resides, is a tribute to castlevania and dracula in general, but the castle on the ocean of time serves a more central purpose.

called castle nihil, it is the source of time control, it's this castle that channels the collected ideas that merge together naturally to become spirits or souls and renders them into tools for the dark lord to employ.

castle nihil is more than just a castle however, it's a symbol of my own struggles with nihilistic views I can never seem to avoid, that it is the seat of the god of time and space's power is no coincidence, the name, the function, castle nihil IS the biggest plot point in the series and will be revisited by the younger zero many times.

and so I get back to my primary point.
why did I make the timeloop story reveal occur earlier in the saga?
because the dark lord zer0 is about coping with inevitability.
the whole story is about zero being faced with an unavoidable, inescapable fact of his existence, his futuremost self is manipulating its own past, zero is that past, he is the thing that will eventually become the lord of time and space.
but zero is a good person by nature, so to look back after his future self reveals the truth, to reflect on the sheer scale of casual genocide, death and destruction, such a revelation is fit to drive any man mad beyond reason.

the dark lord zer0 is basically a deathmarch, the story's happiest, most beneficial ending is the one that sees zero becoming the lord of all evil, time and space.

zer0's futuremost self is literally father time, the god of creation, and the source of evil in the universe.
he created it.
he wrote out how the story would go.
and the entirety of the series focuses on him condemning his past self to the very same fate he consigned himself to in an endless timeloop.
the dark lord's plan is to send his present-time self back to the beginning of creation and time, there he will be exposed to the ether streams in the river of chaos.
and there zero's sorrow will take the form of the universe.

the series's ending is a grim one, one that the main character is being slowly walked into.
it's a fate of powerlessness, of having infinite power and authority and having no freedom to use it.
it's a story about not having choices, not having hope.

but it's not the ending that's important, it's the journey to it, and more importantly, how I'm striving to fool you, the reader, and thwart your expectations.

the dark lord zer0 book 1 is out now, just type it into google or check my earlier posts if you're interested, it's via kindle and can be bought for 3 dollars.

this is a very large project I'm working on, and the previous book was mostly an introduction to the world and universe, the second book, heaven, will explore the themes that drive the plot along.

be sure to check it out when and if it comes out.

Friday, January 8, 2016

the day vanted saved everyone part 4

Featuring dagon from the devil may cry series!!

I confess, I enjoy making this running joke run a bit longer, and capcom walked right into this by providing us with a red vergil coat.
anyway, this is part 4, I'm seriously considering remaking some of the older episodes because they need it, badly.

please, watch and enjoy if you haven't already, it's primarily for entertainment purposes.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

The story of Vante continues

In an alternate devil may cry 4 timeline, where nero doesn't exist, another hero arrives in fortuna: the legendary clone of sparda created by mundus, a failed clone that can travel across time and space. He entered fortuna with but one goal in mind, destroy any vestiges of sparda's existence. (he has a serious chip on his shoulder)

His name was vante, and after he tried and failed to rewrite time in devil may cry 3 special edition by killing vergil, he's back and ready to wreck everyone's shit.

Things proceed exactly according to Keikaku (Editor's Note: Keikaku means plan)
He successfully defeats the actor playing the role of sparda in a disrupted concert, and then proceeds to taunt kill the demons the order of the sword™  summon out of desperation utilizing the lesser hellgates.

This all takes place while a certain devil hunter watches and applauds as the mysterious man in red does his job for him.

But it's not all sugar and rainbows, agnus has been doing his research and found out that the evil villain is noneother than the time traveling failed sparda clone vante, so named by mundus to mock the poor clone before he was ultimately cast aside.
With vante killing powerful demons by taunting them, they have credo meet him at their headquarters to do battle in the hopes that vante's impulsive need to kill worthy opponents with a taunt will backfire when he faces an opponent as agile and capable as angelo credo.

credo fails in spectacular fashion

Followed shortly by angelo agnus

It is at this point in our story that dante decides to intervene in the hopes of challenging the powerful clone and putting an end to his plans, whatever they may be, and after resetting time several times, even dante is defeated by vante's taunting capabilities!!!

However he hits a roadblock when finally confronting Sanctus, WHO FLOATS IN THE AIR AND CANNOT BE STRUCK BY A TAUNT!!!!
Since vante only brings himself to kill worthy opponents with his taunt, he cannot defeat Sanctus and ends up being bested by him for holding back during their battle and seeking the opportunity that will never come!!!
or...will it?
after dante brings him back to sanctus's room he gives him his red coat and tells him "if you want revenge, the save the people of fortuna from sanctus's evil plan, agree to do that and I'll tell you how to finish him in style!!" Dante reveals that Sanctus will use a powerful stinger move that can be countered by a taunt with Toyota (the sword vante uses to travel through time with, very plot convenient that,) and while chances of hitting him with the taunt and killing him are slim, if Vante can at least finish Sanctus off after countering his stinger, he will have had his revenge!!!
Eager to settle the score, vante reluctantly agrees to dante's plan and the two team up to chase after the completed savior, which is imbued with the soul of captain falcon!!!!

Now with renewed hope and sense of purpose, the failed non-canon clone of sparda goes into a time-space warp called the bloody palace's debug mode to train, but when he returns from his long exodus, he finds that Agnus had been prepared for such an event, in time traveling vante activated the failsafe agnus used to alter his influence on time, strange demons that can alter time-space!!!
now the archdemons demons vante killed are back! (except baal, fuck that guy)

He soon uncovers the reason behind this: LANGOLIERS!!! AGNUS CAN SUMMON FUCKING LANGOLIERS!!!!!! (P.S. This also means agnus came back to life too, as it was his keikaku.)

Realizing he has no further obligation to taunt kill the same set of demons twice, he instead opts to seek out the completed savior, kill agnus and taunt counter sanctus diabolica's sparda stinger and maybe taunt kill the captain falcon gundam and save everyone!!! can he do it? can vante, failed clone of sparda, anti-hero who tried and failed to destroy vergil in a non-canon devil may cry 3 playthrough, possibly hope to get to fortuna in time?
Let us hope so, now vante embarks on a hasty journey through fortuna castle to quickly best dagon without taunting him, as he only taunt kills worthy opponents, he must hurry and hurry fast if he expects to destroy sanctus and save everyone!!!!

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Roar at the moon

A story of revenge, and a hunter determined to shove said revenge up the vengeful thunder wolf's ass like his ice katana.

truly an epic journey.

Friday, January 1, 2016

Book 3: Void will have a gilgamesh as the main character.

Gilgamesh has been one of my favorite final fantasy characters of all time.

as I plan out the heaven arc I look ahead to the void arc, in truth the entire story of the dark lord zero is contained within one large tale, broken up into arcs for the sake of convenience, but of special note is the void arc.

The reason void is so important is because it doesn't fit the fantasy feeling, void takes place in space, as in the outer space space, the endless abyss filled with stars etc.

the story is centered around the ancient space pirate king Gilgamesh, head of the storm fleet.
This part of the dark lord zer0's plot is crucial because it ultimately leads into the final arc, but also establishes out titular antagonist as the villain he truly is, through the eyes of the pirate king we see the influence the lord of time has on planets, solar systems, how he destroys empires and lays waste to entire worlds.

Gilgamesh is his own character, similar to final fantasy's own gilgamesh and very much an anti-hero to FF gilgy's anti-villain, where FF gilgy would wear a flamboyant red, this gilgamesh wears black as his color of choice.

He is a mighty warrior who collects the services of those he's defeated, and he's on a quest to rid the universe of an arch-spirit that has been eradicating entire planets, supposedly in zer0's honor.
this arch spirit is called shinryu, much like the self-same shinryu from FFV, but what sets this shinryu apart from his counterpart is that he bears closer resemblance to yamato-no-orochi, and gilgamesh, despite having his own multi-armed form by way of his Magi armor, is himself more akin to susano'o.

From the moment gilgamesh's world is razed to the climactic finale between himself and zer0's most dangerous servant, the void devouring light serpent shinryu, the entire focus of the story serves to show just how evil the dark lord can be, and just how far removed he is from the man you spent two entire books with.

Void isn't just about chasing the dragon, gilgamesh and his crew are very much akin to a spacefaring nation, and gilgamesh himself will be shown to be a somehwhat noble, if a bit stubborn individual with power enough to rival even the celestial's.

However don't mistake the dark counterpart for the final fantasy V equivalent, the dark lord zer0 series is designed to be anti-final fantasy, reusing tropes and ideas to serve a much more sinister purpose.
indeed, the void arc's ending may leave you feeling a bit empty.

it's really unaVOIDable.

going to hell for that, going to hell for that...

The Dark Lord Zer0 isn't just a story about a villain, it's my response to final fantasy tropes

Final fantasy 1's garland was a villain caught in a timeloop after being handily bested by four heroes of light.
the twist is the very first wtf moment in gaming, where the villain exists in both his future and his past, sends himself back in time, and ultimately is defeated a second time, but only after savaging the world and its elements all to prepare to send himself back in time once more.

the dark lord zero's plot is like anti-final fantasy because it uses these tropes but highlights many of the horrific realities behind them.
it's not alone in being targeted, persona is also on the dark lord zero's chopping block so to speak, chiefly in book two.

However book one is sort of a self contained homage to the very first final fantasy, the inspiration for the story is garland's own timeloop but another source of inspiration lies with the fall of dracula from castlevania lords of shadow, which really helped the building of the story.

if say, final fantasyXV is a fantasy based on reality, then the dark lord zer0's first book is a reality based on a fantasy, it starts off in the "real world" with the book's lead character and antagonist, lord zero, before he becomes the villain, and across the first book he's forced into a journey that pits him against the four heroes of light guided by a crystal.

much like gabriel belmont, zero is a good man forced to do terrible things, but where lords of shadow offers elements of choice to the plot and gives clear indicators that there were other avenues, the dark lord zero contrasts this by putting zero in horrifically unfair, one-sided encounters where luck and only luck might save him.
from a dragon razed city of portland, to a mythical heavenly plane where he becomes the disciple of an ascendant first emperor of japan, to a battle against a fox demon swordmaiden, zero's endless journey thrusts him into situations he can't escape and pushes him into becoming a monster, despite his desire to escape.
through it all he'll be faced with enemies on all sides and be made to question the very nature of heroism.
zero's story ends in the final arc, but for now the planned arcs are as follows.

Book 2: Heaven is the reaper arc, and is heavily inspired by persona 3.
Book 3: Void is the Gilgamesh arc, yes, a direct inspiration in more ways than one, it also alludes to the myth of susano'o and yamato no orochi.
Book 4:Myth is the final arc, the requiem arc and closes out the book, and the story of the time loop as well as the tragedy of zero.

for each book, one of the warriors of light ultimately perishes as they're caught up in the dark lord's schemes, for each book a celestial arch-spirit based on the four spirits genbu, baihu, etc will also be featured, genbu and xaunwu, the chinese version of genbu, having already been featured.

The dark lord zero series draws extremely heavy inspiration from final fantasy and shin megami tensei, so if you're fans of those games, you will love this series.

the first book: slumber, which contains the downfall arc is out now but will be getting an updated rerelease with new cover art and some extra chapters later on.
please check it out.
the dark lord's journey into a neverending nightmare begins here.