Friday, January 1, 2016

Book 3: Void will have a gilgamesh as the main character.

Gilgamesh has been one of my favorite final fantasy characters of all time.

as I plan out the heaven arc I look ahead to the void arc, in truth the entire story of the dark lord zero is contained within one large tale, broken up into arcs for the sake of convenience, but of special note is the void arc.

The reason void is so important is because it doesn't fit the fantasy feeling, void takes place in space, as in the outer space space, the endless abyss filled with stars etc.

the story is centered around the ancient space pirate king Gilgamesh, head of the storm fleet.
This part of the dark lord zer0's plot is crucial because it ultimately leads into the final arc, but also establishes out titular antagonist as the villain he truly is, through the eyes of the pirate king we see the influence the lord of time has on planets, solar systems, how he destroys empires and lays waste to entire worlds.

Gilgamesh is his own character, similar to final fantasy's own gilgamesh and very much an anti-hero to FF gilgy's anti-villain, where FF gilgy would wear a flamboyant red, this gilgamesh wears black as his color of choice.

He is a mighty warrior who collects the services of those he's defeated, and he's on a quest to rid the universe of an arch-spirit that has been eradicating entire planets, supposedly in zer0's honor.
this arch spirit is called shinryu, much like the self-same shinryu from FFV, but what sets this shinryu apart from his counterpart is that he bears closer resemblance to yamato-no-orochi, and gilgamesh, despite having his own multi-armed form by way of his Magi armor, is himself more akin to susano'o.

From the moment gilgamesh's world is razed to the climactic finale between himself and zer0's most dangerous servant, the void devouring light serpent shinryu, the entire focus of the story serves to show just how evil the dark lord can be, and just how far removed he is from the man you spent two entire books with.

Void isn't just about chasing the dragon, gilgamesh and his crew are very much akin to a spacefaring nation, and gilgamesh himself will be shown to be a somehwhat noble, if a bit stubborn individual with power enough to rival even the celestial's.

However don't mistake the dark counterpart for the final fantasy V equivalent, the dark lord zer0 series is designed to be anti-final fantasy, reusing tropes and ideas to serve a much more sinister purpose.
indeed, the void arc's ending may leave you feeling a bit empty.

it's really unaVOIDable.

going to hell for that, going to hell for that...

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