Tuesday, January 5, 2016

The story of Vante continues

In an alternate devil may cry 4 timeline, where nero doesn't exist, another hero arrives in fortuna: the legendary clone of sparda created by mundus, a failed clone that can travel across time and space. He entered fortuna with but one goal in mind, destroy any vestiges of sparda's existence. (he has a serious chip on his shoulder)

His name was vante, and after he tried and failed to rewrite time in devil may cry 3 special edition by killing vergil, he's back and ready to wreck everyone's shit.

Things proceed exactly according to Keikaku (Editor's Note: Keikaku means plan)
He successfully defeats the actor playing the role of sparda in a disrupted concert, and then proceeds to taunt kill the demons the order of the sword™  summon out of desperation utilizing the lesser hellgates.

This all takes place while a certain devil hunter watches and applauds as the mysterious man in red does his job for him.

But it's not all sugar and rainbows, agnus has been doing his research and found out that the evil villain is noneother than the time traveling failed sparda clone vante, so named by mundus to mock the poor clone before he was ultimately cast aside.
With vante killing powerful demons by taunting them, they have credo meet him at their headquarters to do battle in the hopes that vante's impulsive need to kill worthy opponents with a taunt will backfire when he faces an opponent as agile and capable as angelo credo.

credo fails in spectacular fashion

Followed shortly by angelo agnus

It is at this point in our story that dante decides to intervene in the hopes of challenging the powerful clone and putting an end to his plans, whatever they may be, and after resetting time several times, even dante is defeated by vante's taunting capabilities!!!

However he hits a roadblock when finally confronting Sanctus, WHO FLOATS IN THE AIR AND CANNOT BE STRUCK BY A TAUNT!!!!
Since vante only brings himself to kill worthy opponents with his taunt, he cannot defeat Sanctus and ends up being bested by him for holding back during their battle and seeking the opportunity that will never come!!!
or...will it?
after dante brings him back to sanctus's room he gives him his red coat and tells him "if you want revenge, the save the people of fortuna from sanctus's evil plan, agree to do that and I'll tell you how to finish him in style!!" Dante reveals that Sanctus will use a powerful stinger move that can be countered by a taunt with Toyota (the sword vante uses to travel through time with, very plot convenient that,) and while chances of hitting him with the taunt and killing him are slim, if Vante can at least finish Sanctus off after countering his stinger, he will have had his revenge!!!
Eager to settle the score, vante reluctantly agrees to dante's plan and the two team up to chase after the completed savior, which is imbued with the soul of captain falcon!!!!

Now with renewed hope and sense of purpose, the failed non-canon clone of sparda goes into a time-space warp called the bloody palace's debug mode to train, but when he returns from his long exodus, he finds that Agnus had been prepared for such an event, in time traveling vante activated the failsafe agnus used to alter his influence on time, strange demons that can alter time-space!!!
now the archdemons demons vante killed are back! (except baal, fuck that guy)

He soon uncovers the reason behind this: LANGOLIERS!!! AGNUS CAN SUMMON FUCKING LANGOLIERS!!!!!! (P.S. This also means agnus came back to life too, as it was his keikaku.)

Realizing he has no further obligation to taunt kill the same set of demons twice, he instead opts to seek out the completed savior, kill agnus and taunt counter sanctus diabolica's sparda stinger and maybe taunt kill the captain falcon gundam and save everyone!!! can he do it? can vante, failed clone of sparda, anti-hero who tried and failed to destroy vergil in a non-canon devil may cry 3 playthrough, possibly hope to get to fortuna in time?
Let us hope so, now vante embarks on a hasty journey through fortuna castle to quickly best dagon without taunting him, as he only taunt kills worthy opponents, he must hurry and hurry fast if he expects to destroy sanctus and save everyone!!!!

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