Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Amazing Games that are more fun to play than you realize: Vergil's downfall.

Vergil's downfall is a blast, let me tell you that right now.
and what better way to tell you, than to show you?
Behold, exhibit awesome!!

if you haven't figured it out yet, vergil's downfall is actually a crazy chunk of dlc with a ton of hidden potential.
it's insane a lot of the time, and you can do a ton of amazing things with it once you figure out how to properly use the canceling system.

The greatest crime the DmC reboot ever committed was the crime of being TOO subtle with its plot and arrogant with its advertisement system, but the series has always been a decent game to play.
Imagine, a devil may cry where you could just freely execute insane combos while only having to worry very little about the potential threats that various enemies posed.
this is that game, a light wish in the face of extreme expectations, a devil may cry that allows you to just go nuts with the gameplay and do insane, over the top, stylish badass stuff that quite frankly is the heart of any spectacle fighter.
it may lack the "true" soul of devil may cry, but its heart is in the right place.

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