Tuesday, June 24, 2014

L The Magnificent

With a tip of his feather lined musketeer hat, his garish apparel sparkling in the summer evening light, he gripped his sword as tightly as he dared, turning his back on the slowly frothing ogre as it slowly advanced on him, club raised.
"don't do it." Lucky warned, but the ogre was hearing none of it, and came in charging with a dull growl that reminded lucky of the many times he'd played through this exact sort of situation, where he tested his good fortune to see just how far it could go.
Lucky the magnificent as he'd been named by the strange being who had gifted him with it, and it showed in his every step.
Lucky the magnificent, or as many would say, the human spirit of good fortune itself, a man whose entire life had been defined by good luck, regardless of what that ultimately meant at this moment in time.
the club came down, and just as he thought, something intervened, as it always had.
the ogre smiled, thinking it had at least clipped him, for the club missed badly, worse than if he had been in a fog and blatantly impossible to strike.
of course the next horizontal swing surely wouldn't miss, but lucky wasn't really concerned with the presence of the foul creature, for he was now walking through its cavern, virtually unchallenged even as the creature persistently tried to hit him, only to miss, again, and again and again.
"what is this?!" it howled in confusion.
"shades if i know." lucky admitted, continuing on as though nothing was the matter.
drooling in an irritated stupor the dense beast continued its assault, somehow continuing to miss, and as its strikes grew more furious, it began striking the cavern.
lucky smiled when he heard the roof of that cavern collapse atop the fool creature, for it had done so just as he found the beast's horde.
a small stack of gems atop a large stack of skeletons, discarded by the now deceased ogre for not being edible.
picking up one of the gems, he shook his head in disgust.
"Not this one." he mumbled, continuing his frantic search.
lucky had not been named "lucky" by chance, ironically, but as a safety measure, in this world, names were powerful, and defined the soul.
Lucky was originally an unfortunate person who'd had his name stolen by a villain, and though he'd disposed of the fool after a time, his name could not be recovered, without a name his prior identity was doomed to death.
worse still, had he not been named in the first place upon being found, his life would have eventually come to an end, for those without names have no definitions, and those without a definition fade away after a time.
in a way, lucky's existence was tentative, for his name was a mis-definition in and of itself, a human could not be an aspect of fortune for very long.
it took an incredible amount of magic to actually remove a name, it took even more to give one.
a name has to have meaning, and must be imbued with love and care by the parents who sired the named one, conversely, through magical means, it is the parent alone who holds the authority to steal a name back.

lucky's true name was likely within one of these crystals, and he intended to find the thing once and for all.

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