Saturday, July 5, 2014

Reasons you should look forward to monster hunter 4

Reason number one
it's refreshingly difficult.

Not to toot my own horn or anything, but my experience playing monster hunter actually prepared me for the difficulty of dark souls, so only jumpscares and cheap tactics could off me.
it's a hard game that's all about trading blows with precision, know thy enemy or prepare thine anus and all that.
monsters come in different shapes and sizes, but are typically different in very few ways.
slain one giant frog monstertruck of doom, you've slain them all.

reason number two
Ice armored amphibious landshark of rape.
I'm not even joking, perhaps one of the most original, memeworthy monster designs of this era, it's basically a cross between a frog, a shark, an armored tank, and a savage deviljho.
and while fighting it is awesome as an idea, the reality is this thing isn't particularly hard, but boy is it a memorable hunt!
it's also the only source of ice based weaponry in the entire game, so if you plan on hunting zinogre anytime soon, you might wanna get on this.

reason number 3
Riding a Fatalis

Fatalis returns thanks to the wonderful world of WE DEMAND A FATALIS BE IN THIS GAME!
and you know what? it's awesome.
now you can ride monsters in this game, the fatalis is no exception, in the japanese version of monster hunter 4 there are only two fatalis brethren, crimson and black, but perhaps the white king will return in 4 ultimate?

Reason number 4
Improvements across the board and some returning monsters that you never asked for, but will be getting anyway because.
The khezu (both versions) return with some nightmarish new twists on their old abilities.
always remember joking about how if you had to face a rajang and a deviljho in the same quest, you'd probably hate capcom forever?
Capcom hates you just as much, because there's a high rank quest that exclusively features the updated golden rajang +deviljho combo, and that isn't even the G-version!
Teostra makes a return, as with many of the old monsters, his rage mode even gets a graphical upgrade, now fire pours out of his limbs whenever he wants to have smoking hawt kitty sex with your entrails!

also, he gets to use bomb powder status.

The final reason:

Exploding tigrex of doom.
No, really, it's a gigantic red tigrex with extremely thick armor, and it explodes, causes explosions, and has a roar radius that takes up the old tower level.
sure, the fight starts off slowly, but give it time, by the time he hits his first rage mode, it's a losing battle as he gets progressively stronger, and more insane, and more brutal as the fight continues.
did I mention that it's a tigrex that explodes? because he uses the bomb affliction liberally, and most of his attacks are designed to set the powder off, causing, you guessed it
this is the penultimate boss of mh4, not to be confused with the mega-gargantuan serpent of world eating doom, shown here

Or the golden dragon that infects all monsters, making each battle more crazy than it needs to be, also shown here

Nope, the real reason is the opportunity to fight the exploding tigrex!
a gigantic, crimson, exploding tigrex.
Just let that sink in, it's a tigrex
that explodes.
a tigrex
that explodes.

thanks for reading!

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