Tuesday, June 17, 2014

A temporary setback at most, an existential inconvenience at least.

Lords, where do I even begin?
Perhaps at the beginning? that is usually where most strange stories start, and so perhaps I shall begin here?

When I first came to this place, three years ago, I didn't know what I was doing, or that I was even doing anything at all.
it was an adventure! what hope does a man have when he's lost meaning and reason after all! who cares for the woes of the world when you've found those woes in full?
Now? I'm still certain that I can bear any pain that befalls me. however, when I came to portland, I created a goal.
I wanted to see what college was all about, and so, without a second's hesitation, I signed on for time at the portland community college, never made aware of the rules, expectations or anything.
I took out student loans, and all the while I sought a job, only to discover that work was not abundant by any means.
so to counter this problem, I began doing work on fiverr while taking out student loans, but the loans became my primary source of funding for the next three or so years.
so, when i finally got an apartment, I was...enthusiastic.
But, the instant i found security, the real problems began.
I became depressed, my roommates and I simply couldn't get along.
I was eccentric, I didn't care for the concerns of their life. these were people who used drugs like weed casually, I didn't fault them, but neither did I join them.
I focused on school, unaware of the fact that I could burn myself out, then getting depressed whenever it happened, for what else could I do? I didn't realize I was losing interest because my mind was becoming fatigued, at the time I wasn't even aware it could be fatigued!
through it all though, my determination stuck, but in order to keep student loans, I wound up having to sacrifice certain classes due to them being dropped.
and so I'd take a class such as art, which I did enjoy, i didn't necessarily have any direction in mind, and i was told that would come later.
when I finally did decide on a degree, it was a BA in japanese, however that required a transfer.

well, I finally transferred recently, and unfortunately I ran into a problem.
I wasn't receiving summer financial aid due to getting summer aid at my previous institute a full year earlier.
Now the matter has gotten out of hand, summer classes are upon me and i've decided to bow out for the summer term, but a hold has been placed on my account by my apartment, which is mainly due to my inability to pay rent.
I'll be speaking to the landlord and trying to make payment arrangements, but i'll be out of the apartment soon and will have to weather out homelessness for the next three months while paying what I owe this place, and I'm okay with that.
The problem is the hold they have on my account right now, it's in the way, and I intend to continue being in college for another three or four years before i'm done.
I can't immediately pay the rent, and I'll have no choice but to pack up and leave tomorrow, likely to be forced to wander the streets looking for a shelter that isn't empty.
This is of course, nobody's fault, it's not mine, it isn't the school's, it isn't my landlord's. this is an example of a series of unfortunate events that all come together at the wrongest possible time to spiral hopelessly out of control, leaving me to pick up the pieces to the best of my ability.
If I can't get the hold on my student account removed by fall term, I won't be able to attend college, this is not the best of situations for any man to be in, for any reason.
the rent is only 709 dollars or so, so it won't be hard to pay off, but it will be hard to make the money when I have to cover my own needs, it'll also be harder to work as I'll have this serious issue to deal with.
less time for work, less time to make the money to pay the debt I owe, and nowhere to sleep at the moment.
it's a no-win situation for me, a situation I wound up getting in, but a situation beyond my control.
and so I'll have to suck it up, deal with it, and keep moving forward with as much grace as I can muster, my life was looking up until I found out that I couldn't accept summer term financial aid, fortunately, this issue came just as my fiverr gig's customers began flowing in more reliably.
my youtube channel has also been making roughly five dollars a month, which sincerely helps matters considerably.
Let's hope that no further problems stand In my way, I'll be looking for alternative means of working, but the depression that comes with falling into this situation is likely going to be the biggest problem of all...

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