Monday, June 29, 2015

The Day Vante Pwned Everything Part 4

In hindsight using the old spice jingle may have been a bit much.

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Thursday, June 4, 2015

The Brilliant And Amazing Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Monster Guide: Kecha Wacha (All Ranks)

Ah, the kecha wacha, one of the easier monsters in 4 Ultimate but certainly not the weakest. this is part of a long running theme I like to call "gimmick monsters with no redeeming qualities outside of their cuteness) every monster hunter game has had at least one per franchise, with unite it was the nargacuga, with tri it was the gobul and its silly sandfish counterpart. and with 4ultimate the ante has been upped with this little guy, part flying squirrel, capuchin, elephant and possibly a reference to buddhism, meet kecha wacha, the obligatory climbing monster.
he climbs.
a lot.

Not to say he's a bad design, quite the contrary, I like this gimmicky flying squirrel monkey elephant thingy! he's challenging, confusing and he makes writing guides a pain in the ass he's got so much going for him! so let's get right to it, BEFORE my fingers bleed to death.


Kecha is a climber, monster hunter 4 ultimate is a game determined to make use of verticality and kecha is the perfect compliment to that, he climbs, he uses most of the environment, he's tricky and can pop up from any angle and easy manage a crowd in a zone with vines or webs to hang from.

let's keep it simple for the moment, there's a lot to this little fellow.

1. the triple swipe.

His ordinary attack, he strikes once, twice, then a third strike from a flip that lands in a slamming attack. when kecha is enraged he likes to do his flip attack too hard and ends up getting stuck the little bugger! when beneath vines, kecha will immediately use the third strike's flip to hang instead of attack, changing his overall position and tactics.

2. The circular pound

He strikes the ground in a slow, steady semicircle over and over until he's turned a full 180 or so degrees, this attack is very damaging and comes with knockback, so try to be clear of him when he starts it.

3. The turn swipe.
when enraged, kecha will turn and strike you with his claw, as opposed to just turning around. you can see this coming when he turns to look at you.

4. triple water globs
triple globs seem to be a recurring attack in this game, each monster's triple glob attack has a different effect, and kecha's is waterblight, be sure not to get hit by these, they can do a modest bit of damage.

5.(G-rank) Floating well-aimed-double-Kecha bitchslap of death.
I made the name up, but it's accurate enough.
Mostly in G-rank (and I think high rank when he's mad) Kecha will take to the air, and depending on where you are he'll flip a few times to correct his trajectory before landing in a big double claw hug.
this attack is super-damaging and his best attack, so be ready for it.

6. flyback spitball
when he takes flight he may sometimes shoot a glob at you, this knocks him back a bit, prompting him to land.

7. Flying bitchslap
Kecha takes off and rushes toward you, swiping in with a single claw, this attack is fairly damaging, so be ready to dodge.

8. Charge
he rushes at you and knocks you back, same damage type as a common wyvern rush.

Vine and web specific attacks.

9. Triple kecha surprise attack.
when beneath you while you're atop vines or webs, kecha will suddenly dive up and strike once, then move a few paces ahead and strike twice, then move further ahead for a third, powerful strike before struggling a bit against the webs and pulling himself up.

10. Hanging strike
he hangs, then proceeds to swing twice, using the free claw to take a quick swipe at you while he travels around.

11. Hanging triple globs
he hangs by his tail and shoots 3 globs of water at you, the attack has more range in g-rank.

12. Kecha spin
he hangs upside down by his tail and performs a quick upside down spinning attack that knocks you down before clapping a few times to congratulate himself. the smug jerk.

13 Pop up
Kecha bursts up from the vines with a quick strike before climbing up, this is basically the third hit of kecha surprise attack.

14. vine grab
Kecha grabs the vines you're atop, or the webs, and proceeds to violently shake them around.

15. normal claw attack
he swipes in with his claw, ash kecha actually does this as a followup to triple swipe landing that allows him to instantly recover.

Useful things

Kecha drops shinies upon being knocked from his roost.
being the floppy eared felon that he is, kecha is susceptible to loud sounds.
breaking his ears will result in him losing this weakness.
Kecha can be knocked down easily by attacking his sides, near the end of the fights he'll be knocked down quite a bit, so enterprise on this early by damaging his legs.
Kecha can be trapped during the "struggling" animation from him popping up from vines, use this to your advantage.

Elemental weakness and recommended weapons.
He's weakest to fire and thunder.
it is best to take a longsword, their mobility will help you evade his rage mode turn strikes.
kecha's weakest point is his face (not the ears) and he protects his face in rage mode by folding his ears, they're still a good weak point too, so take advantage of this whenever possible.
For bowgun users, normal 2 is the way to go.

Method of approach.

Your goal here should be to set a kecha up for a knockdown, he's fairly susceptible to it, so focus on wearing away at his legs and forearms, especially for his forearm breaks, which may produce the coveted kecha talon.
Keep him away from vines if you can help it, when near a climbable surface, kecha becomes much more versatile thanks to his ability to switch into hanging attacks in the middle of a three strike combo.
if you're in a vine area with a kecha, stay atop the vines and lure him to solid ground away from the vines, don't give him an advantage.
for g-rank kecha the moment he takes to the air, get ready to dodge, his floating attack is incredibly powerful.
once you've broken his limbs, focus on getting knockdowns for free hits, use bombs to benefit from his weakness to sound and break his ears when he's weak.
once this is done, it's all a matter of avoiding his circular pound, triple swipe and rage-mode turning swipe while countering him.
When he's weak you can opt for a capture or kill him.

Rage mode and hunger mode traits
When in rage mode he becomes immune to flash and sonic bombs due to his ears folding over his face.
when hungry, kecha will spend occasions drooling hungrily, his attacks become slower and he's more susceptible to knockdown, taking a lot longer to recover if knocked down.

VI Other things to note.
Kecha has some of the best weapons in the game for water damage, you really want to start grinding kecha early for kecha talons. low rank kecha materials will get you some decent weapons, high rank will almost be on par with G, and G-rank...well....
You want those kecha weapons.
trust me.

TL;DR Version.
stick to his sides, avoid his turning swipes, in G-rank pay close attention when he's in flight and avoid his attack at all costs.  keep him away from vines, make some kecha weapons and be sure to use sonic bombs if you want quick openings.

The Brilliant And Amazing Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Monster Guide: Seltas (High and low ranks)

The most underappreciated bug in gaming and the other version of yamcha in monster hunter, the Seltas is unique for its constant flight and the fact that it's the first time since the vespoid queen you've ever been made to fight a giant flying bug.
but don't let its uselessness fool you, when it combines with the seltas queen, their teamup becomes one of the most formidable fights in the game.
which shall be covered separately after more testing, right now we're talking Seltas solo.
seltas, much like great jaggi, dies super fast, in fact to get all the info i needed on its full moveset I had to take the double high rank seltas quest.

So let's get right to it shall we? first, the attacks.


Seltas likes to stay airborne for much of the fight, and it has very few, if any, really threatening abilities. that said seltas alone does have some technical advantages, such as its constant flying making it a bit harder to melee, (a tiny bit)
first we'll cover flying moves, since those are the only real issue.

1. Autocorrect flight
Not really an attack insomuch as the seltas just moving close to you, it lowers its horn and flies forward a bit, knocking the player back if it connects. this chips away at your health, so be a little aware of your bar, as it counts as a normal nuisance hit in the same way a wyvern stomp would. He does another variant where he repositions himself in a zigzag fashion, it makes slight swishing sounds but deals no damage.

2. Defense down globs
The seltas fires three globs of sticky green fluid which hit the player and inflict him with defense down, this is primarily to increase the damage of autocorrect flight, which starts to hurt when your defense goes down, and since most players won't really pay attention to it anyway, it makes it all the more dangerous. they do a bit of damage too, so be careful.

3. Seltas claw swipe
it strikes forward with both of its claws, this attack will send a hunter flying away, and this in turn buys the seltas time to send out more defense down globs, it's really annoying to get hit with this strike, so be careful.

4. Seltas claw sweep
Much like the wyverns with their tail sweep, seltas has his own variant of this with his claw, he turns twice really slowly, throwing out his claws and sweeping in a circular motion.
this attack does a fair bit of damage, so be careful with it.

5. Horn charge
The seltas will rush at you with is horn, stopping once the attack is done.
It does this twice when enraged, the attack is its big damage dealer, so avoid it.

6. Pin attack?
The fabled seltas pin attack is one of his rarest, and as of right now unconfirmed moves. it's unknown how to initiate it, or if it even exists, yet numerous accounts of its existence have been documented.
it's said the seltas only initiates the pin under rare circumstances, it's unknown if it's real or not, but there may be something to it.

When grounded
Seltas while grounded only has a bit of its full moveset, namely the swipe and the globs.
eventually it will leave the grounded state by taking off with a horn rush.


Seltas is weakest to thunder, followed by fire.
For HBG users, pellet shot is the best way to go.

Useful things.
Seltas will be knocked out of the air with enough damage, its horn, so long as it remains intact, can be used to bait it into getting stuck in a wall.
an enraged seltas in sunken hollow is ripe for this, if you can aim a seltas's charge, it'll get stuck in the wall in its sleep area, pull out and immediately charge again, this can be looped quite a few times for good damage opportunities.
a seltas that is knocked out of the air drops a shiny, a useful thing for everwood quests.
Seltas spend a lot of time airborne, due to this, they're harder to capture. your best bet would be to track down where one sleeps and set a trap right below them, climb up the wall to get to them and knock them into the trap. don't risk capturing one until they're asleep, if they take off and you lack flashbombs, then you've wasted a trap.

Recommended weapons.
Bowguns and heavy bowguns as well as bows, seltas is also good for heavy damage dealing melee as well, but those claw attacks can be very disruptive to your overall combat flow, so try to keep that in mind.

Your general approach
Seltas should be taken lightly. it's not a threat on its own, its designed to be a Seltas queen's support/happy meal so on its own it's not really a big monster insomuch as it's a lesser monster with a lot of health.
the defense down is the big thing to avoid here, but ideally you should try to have fun, keep its horn intact as long as you can in order to take advantage of it getting stuck in climbable walls, outside that? just avoid its charge and aim for its abdomen, where it takes the most damage. don't attack its front.

TL;DR version
Bring on the thunder, hit its ass until it dies, make it get stuck in walls over and over again when it's mad for a few keks. avoid the pointy end when it charges. knocking it out of flight gives shinies.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Dracula Vs Zobek In Lords of Shadow 2: How it really went.

You remember lords of shadow for a variety of reasons. it wasn't quite metroidvania, the protagonist was kratos with more clothing, etc.
but the biggest things that stood out were the satan final boss, and zobek stabbing you in the back.
the problem? you never got that closure with zobek, you never got to see what the third and final lord of shadow was going to be like in a fight.

in lords of shadow 2 they fixed that by giving us one of the most gratifying bosses in gaming history after what felt like years of being blueballed, and here's my impression of the fight in a quick drawing.

As you can well imagine, being the unstoppable lord of darkness that you are by the time you get to this point, zobek is horribly, woefully outmatched and outclassed. in los1 most of his attacks would have honestly proven troublesome, in los2 however dracula is broken as fuck. legitimately broken, he can do anything in this fight.
revenge is a dish best served cold, and without taking damage, which is precisely how I handled the fight in this video:

The greatest form of gratification in the world. shame my laptop broke down later on, this is always a highlight of lords of shadow 2's plot and it happens right after you find out that dracula pulls a "Kira" and has been playing zobek the whole time, 
kinda he was doing the exact same thing to you!

the entire plot of los2 is about dracula's vengeance, and it's made all the sweeter when you realize that you've basically made zobek's demise the single most ironic one in gaming history, moreso when you factor in that david cox himself implied that zobek may be serving as dracula's thrall after the events of LoS2.
Food for thought.

Overlooked games that need an HD port/remake: Godhand

Sometimes, the greatest games in the world are the ones that are unfinished.
Godhand, despite looking extremely indie, was actually an amazing game, and though i myself have never played it, after seeing some of the godhand combo videos about it, I can't honestly say that this is a bad game.
sure, it has some serious technical issues, but the combat system was arguably the most solid and original combat in gaming, imagine if tekken and devil may cry had a love child.
that would be godhand.

Note of the day: Dhalsim is deadlier than you might think

Dhalsim is a unique character in that he's a melee zoner. I like good dhalsim plays because they're for the patient players.
Xian here is using a dhalsim to beat daigo's evil ryu, and it works rather well.

About the brilliant and amazing gamer's blog

Lately i've been neglecting my blogger account because I've been far too busy to do anything on it.
that ends today, starting tomorrow i'll be updating it regularly with guides and helpful content, as well as quite a bit of NSFW gamer stuff that I simply can't show on youtube.
to this end, I expect my readers to engage my blog with an open mind and an inclination to see things about gaming from both extremes.
and while it won't be as explicit as many eyed hydra's succubus bordello, (highly recommend you go to that blog to see some of the best nsfw gaming content in the world) I won't hold back if I find a good piece of nsfw gaming, girl quest for example.

that being said I have no real limits on what I'll be posting, but expect this blog to be a true neutral, I care not a whit for what manner of content I post. but it'll always be about gaming and hopefully useful.
i'll be using this more often, so please, bear that in mind.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

The Brilliant And Amazing Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Monster Guide: Gore Magala (Low rank and High rank)

That's right, this thing is the Batman of wyverns.
Sorry, I had to get that off my chest.

Gore Magala is a complicated piece of work as well as the flagship monster of MH4U, he's the big bad you gotta fight, he hounds you on a ship, he fights you in the everwood.
and finally, here you are, in front of his strange secondary rage mode wonder just what, or where, this thing came from.

But enough about that silliness! you want BLOOD-
So let's get right to it then!

This thing is unique for a couple of reasons. 
The first and most obvious, it uses frenzy virus. I'm unsure of how to avoid the pools of virus it spills, but if you're going melee, you want to get infected.
the drawback is you have a limited amount of time before the frenzy virus fills and your defense and regeneration are lowered.
silver lining? if you hit this thing really, really hard, you can instead get a frenzied boost which gives you a little more attack and a slight crit boost.

The second problem is also the larger of the two, gore has a second form it's been hiding from you for most of its appearance in the game, and it only pulls it out right at the final encounter. 
naturally, many of you will shit yourselves when you see this thing's highly convincing batman impersonation, but fear not, you can still bring him down!

Let's talk his attacks now, for expediency's sake i'm going to pretend that gore is two different monsters and list attacks accordingly, i'll also include recommended weapons with the attack list because that's kinda vital information to include with his form's attacks, as he's a very strange fight to begin with.

First Form and Attacks
recommended weapons to approach the first form with? light bowguns and bows.

Strangely, gore's two forms are anti-class, his first form is anti-blademaster, hence his pools of virus always being around his body, his unusual array of zigzagging charge attacks with a high chance for knockback and knockdown, gore's first form is a real piece of work.

1. The bite attack.
Gore uses a fairly fast rushing bite attack, it only comes out once and deals virus, so be ready for it, when you're in close range he likes to hit you with it, it you're too close to his front he'll knock you back with it.

2. The spinning tail swipe

This attack is strange in that it's less a normal tail swipe and more of a biting turn, both ends of gore, the head and tail, are dangerous during this swipe. as a blademaster you should pay very careful attention to the tail, as it'll do the most harm and knock you away.

3. The zigzag rush
This one's a bit more rare, but what gore will do is rush forward in two different directions, first to the left and then to the right (i think) this attack hits hard and will increase your frenzy virus gauge, so pay close attention and be ready to dodge aside if you see it coming.

4. The true rush
He runs forward until he gets in close before pausing to follow up with an attack, either his fireballs o or tailswipe. just dodge to the side or something, it's really easy to avoid.

5. The wombo combo.
This is gore's most bullshit 1st form attack and the reason he's anti-blademaster to begin with, basically what he does is he does a flyback windpress stagger.
okay, so do all other wyverns, right? right?
ahem, then he shoots a fireball at you before you can recover. gore's air fireballs are extremely damaging, and he always follows up before you can recover from the windpress. your only hope for avoiding this attack combination is the instant you see his shoulder talons move, get away.

6. Flying fireball.
very damaging, avoid it at all costs.

7. The zigzag flying rush.
fairly hard to avoid, but once he commits to the rush, you can get away if you superman dive or if you're outside the range of his zigzag, it flies on a set path, so no need to worry.

8. Flying melee blast.
He inhales and then fires out an exploding wave of purple fire in mid-air, this is mostly to keep people who are directly below him from attacking. he also uses his tail to attack anyone right beneath him, so keep that in mind.

9. Grounded melee blast.
same as the flying version, but with him on the ground, both of gore's blasts will hasten the virus meter, so do NOT get hit by either of these, they're his most damaging attack.

10. Triple fireball.
Useless. there's hardly a way to get hit by his ground fireballs.
he fires three fireballs that crawl along the ground before exploding into pools of virus, these are easy to get past and leave him wide open for an attack. the center one travels in a straight line, the other two zigzag.

11. Frenzy Pools
In Low rank the pools are small and fill frenzy at a moderate rate. he scatters these every time he stops moving, it's a constant threat when you're weakened by frenzy and a constant nuisance when you're not infected and would like to remain uninfected.
In High rank his frenzy pools grow in size to encompass half of his full size, and as a result, make approaching gore without suffering from frenzy impossible for melee. both forms have this and it's extremely dangerous in high rank for anyone suffering from frenzy weakness due to the size of the pools.

During normal mode his face can be broken, his tail can be cut and his wings damaged. he can also be tripped if you attack his front arms enough times.
if you insist on being a blademaster focus on these, roll liberally and often.

Second Form and attacks.
recommended weapons to approach with? greatsword and longsword. lances are okay too.
Light bowguns are the only safe bowgun to use here.

Just as his first form is more or less anti-melee, his second form is more or less anti-gunner and gunners will have a hard time doing any damage consistently for his wide hitboxed charges and flying slams. he becomes an entirely different monster with a radically different moveset.
he still uses pools of virus, so keep that in mind.

1.The explosion of doom

His most common attack, he inhales then unleashes a blast that explodes three times, only travels left to right but has a really large radius. be behind him when he does this, preferably near his tail and midsection.

2. Almighty smash
He lunges up on his hindquarters and immediately slams his frontal claws into the ground, lifting stones from the ground and sending hunters dumb enough to be near his head flying. this attack autocorrects, so he can change his direction depending on how close to his head you are.
this is mostly meant to trap people who are trying for a horn break.

3. Grab smash

a super inaccurate grab smash with his right claw, misses every time, if you get caught by this you did so on purpose.
shame on you.
it counts as his pin animation, so if you just want to see what it looks like, have the presence of mind to bring a dung bomb and be soloing him when you do.

4. Double strike + Almighty Smash
He stomps the ground with his left, then right wing claws, if he's in range he'll then follow it up with the aforementioned almighty smash.
don't be near him while he does this.

5.Sliding Swipe.
Though rare, he may sometimes perform a charging swipe attack that rushes forward and has fairly good range to it, this attack has two hits, it's very dangerous, so superman dive if you see it coming.

6. Turn swipe.
If you're behind him he'll turn around and immediately backhand you with his wing claw, this is a very dangerous attack, so be careful, you'll know it's coming when he turns his head to glance at you.

7. Wide angle charge
A common charge attack with a twist, his wing claws now serve to enhance his range. if you see this coming, sheath your weapon and run outside of his range. (this is also the reason he's anti-gunner, it takes time to put bowguns and bows up.)
You need to be running with your weapon sheathed when he does this, so don't bring a weapon that can't be immediately put back in the holster.

8. Flying wide angle charge
he jumps into the air and flies at you. this is a bit different from his zigzag charge because he immediately lands with a spin. this is also what makes him anti-gunner in this form, if you're at the end of the charge when you attempt to dodge, you'll find out the hard way that this was a bad idea when he slide-spins around.

Breaks in this form are his horns, his tail can be cut as well.
the problem with the horns is this, he HAS to be in rage mode in order to break the horns. if he isn't, you'll just reset him to anti-blademaster mode, which means he has to be angry in his second form to get a horn break.

Weaknesses for both forms

He's weakest to fire, followed up by thunder, then finally dragon.

Your general approach
It should be noted first and foremost that his frenzy virus is useful, but getting infected by it has a drawback. the more often you get infected, the longer it takes for your to enter a frenzied state through striking the monster, as such you need to be careful and only suffer 3-4 infections, after that your next frenzied state will have scaled to the point where your gauge will fill before you can enter a frenzied state. also, when gore is out of the area, your gauge fills rapidly.
first thing's first, in his first form your target should be the forearms and the head, roll often as a blademaster, that way you're always ahead of his strikes and attacks. once you enter frenzied state he loses the ability to see you again unless you step into his virus pools.
whenever he does his triple fireball, strike the forearms until he's knocked over, it becomes much easier to land a knockdown after dealing enough damage to both arms, so take advantage of this as often as you must. mount him too if you can.
when he enters rage mode he'll immediately take to the air with his wombo combo, if you fail to avoid the windpress, suffer through the damage.
when he's in the air just stay back and wait for him to land, he may fake you out a couple of times with his zigzag charge pausing so he can turn and fireball you, don't fall for it.

eventually his glowing colors will turn a rich lavender in hue and he'll let out a strange new roar, this is rare but sometimes he won't enter his second form right off, but when he does this he's signaling that he's now second form ready and will enter it upon his next rage.
once he does, the fight gets much harder.

now he deals a lot of damage, jumps all over the place and is incredibly hard to hit, his tail, however, is no longer covered by his wings and much easier to break.
you should only go for direct head damage right after almighty smash, he recovers from everything else too quickly, but if you want those horn breaks, you gotta do it reliably.
most of the second phase consists of wide angle charges and explosions of doom, he sometimes does the double smash, sliding swipe, etc, but he always uses explosion, so keep to his sides as often as you can and counter accordingly.
eventually you'll do enough damage to his head when his rage-state ends to literally knock him out of his 2nd form, when this happens he'll flee after dropping a shiny.
after that, not much else to tell, roll a lot when he's in his first form and focus on knockdowns, chase him around and stick to his sides, only hitting his head when it's necessary (it's very, very risky to hit his head.)
the last bit of information here is vital, if you manage to get weakened by frenzy virus, his virus pools become a new hazard, they'll deal steady damage to the hunter, making approaching him while suffering from frenzy weakness extremely dangerous and a bad idea. so do NOT let this happen unless you want to spend time in another zone waiting for it to wear off.
A lot of this fight should be spent attacking his back legs and front legs. stay close to him at all times if you're going for blademaster, especially in his second form. if not then as a gunner you need to worry about those pools.
another thing to note, how and when he transforms might be dictated by how often you get infected by frenzy virus and for how long. I can't confirm this, but several players have mentioned it many times, so it's useful to note. the game even screams it at you "avoid the black mist"
Finally, for heavy bowgunners, astragon provided a useful ammo list, the recommended ammo type for a gore magala is pierce, aim from head to tail and wing to wing for maximum effectiveness.

Useful things
Gore Magala is blind, he can't actually see you unless you're infected by frenzy virus, which serves as his vision. if you're infected by the virus he'll home in on you.
To prove this to any skeptics, try this.
Throw a flashbomb at it.
Gore is immune to flashbombs for this very reason, it has good hearing and can generally place where you are, but without virus its attacks will find their mark less reliably.

Another thing to note is that the glow underneath gore's wings is actually a sort of "frenzy gauge" that slowly fills the longer you remain infected. when you step into gore's virus pools while he's enraged, his wings slowly begin to turn blue starting from the claws and moving all the way to the wing tips. when they finish turning blue he lets out a roar, this signals the second filling state, and gore will also become a bit more aggressive and take to the air more often.
during the second filling state his wings will slowly fill with a lavender glow until they fill entirely, resulting in him entering frenzy mode.
during frenzy mode this "Gauge" visibly depletes as he continues attacking you, once his lavender glow empties out entirely his horns will begin slowly pulsing from lavender to mute gray, this is a signal that he can be knocked out of his frenzied state.

If not infected, his attacks become less accurate (not the same as horribly inaccurate, he can still figure out where you are) and he'll spend more of the fight using attacks meant to feel you out. he CAN hear you, but even then his attacks will still be awkward and inaccurate until you're infected. if you manage to enter frenzied state, he immediately stops being able to see you again unless you step into his virus pools.
as mentioned before, his second form horns can't be broken unless he's enraged, if you do manage to knock him out of his second form, he'll always drop a shiny and immediately flee the area, every time.
if you need a break, try focusing on his head and knocking him out of his 2nd form, do that and he'll run away the moment you do.
if you manage to get hit with weakness from his virus, his pools of virus suddenly become hazard zones that deal more continuous damage than being near a lava pool, do NOT let that happen in this fight, get frenzied.

His fireballs have wall crawling properties and will chase you across the environment, regardless of how vertical it is, so keep that in mind.

Gore is an engaging and complex monster in this game who adds much in terms of story as well as yin-yang symbolism, he's a handful to fight, but he's never too hard. he's a balanced monster that can be fun and engaging for anyone to fight.
that wombo combo though? that can go straight to hell.
fuck whoever programmed that in.
I'll think up more monsters to give guidance on, have fun!

TL;DR version?

Avoid the black mist, roll often and stick to his hindquarters, but hit his forelimbs when he throws out fireballs, as they leave him wide open. avoid getting hit with windpress, his followup is devastating. his pools turn the floor to lava if you're suffering from virus weakness. use pierce shot and remember that his forms make him very different depending on what form he's at. first form is melee focused, the second form has fewer attacks but hits like a truck and has crazy range.

The Brilliant And Amazing Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Monster Guide: Yian Kut-Ku (Low Rank)

Yian Kut-Ku, a fire wyvern that looks about as intimidating as a teddy bear. this thing is the Krillin of common wyverns, but he's formidable nonetheless.
Unlike normal quests, Kut-kus of both colors are exclusive to the Everwood and thus not subject to being hunted outside of guild quests and the required intro quests featuring the red Kut-Ku.
a returning monster from freedom unite, he hasn't been around for a while and some things have changed, and we'll get to that in a second.

First, let's talk his attacks.


1.Common Peck
This attack is a rapid series of bird-like pecks that have a varying range per attack, he also has a jump forward version meant to close the distance between you and him.
finally he can follow up his charging attack with a peck, but fortunately there's a light space between the charge and the peck followup depending on where you're at in relation to him.
to avoid the peck, don't be anywhere in front of him, this attack tracks on top of having wildly varying range per peck.

2.Charge Attack
One of Kut-Ku's most evil and damaging attacks, he charges at you, tossing his head right to left and sending fireballs on either side of him while he rushes at you, he then enters a "tripping crash" animation when he gets close enough, or cancels the running charge for the aforementioned peck attack.
To avoid: The charge itself has no ending animation, the only danger from it is being struck by those fireballs. the tripping crash counts as a separate animation and is its own attack in certain instances, it's also his most dangerous move. to avoid the tripping crash, don't be right next to the kut-ku if you can help it, he can enter the tripping crash animation right from the off, with no warning or even clear telegraphing.
Yian Kut-Ku's charge is his most dangerous ability in rage mode, because he can use his non-telegraphed tripping crash almost all the time, and he usually will.

3.The Tail swipe turn
Kut-Ku is annoying because he uses his tail to swipe at you, kinda like what I mentioned with G-jaggi, only less sucky. the range on it is really hard to discern. best bet? anticipate it and get away.
fortunately the tail swipe is guaranteed to have a second swipe, and if you're out of range (I.E. on the other side of him and nowhere near the tip of the tail) you can use this to score a free hit.

4. Close Range Bite (AKA the useless-assed attack)
he bites in a slight scooping animation.
that's it, it's just a tiny quick bite attack at near point blank range that's so easy to avoid that you'd have to be retarded or really unlucky to get hit by it!
every wyvern has this attack, and it is universally worthless and does little to no real damage. at all. it's the dumbest attack in the game.

5. Fireball
Unlike normal "powerful" wyverns, kut-ku's fireballs are unique in that he just hucks up balls of fire which hit the ground and explode. the normal fireball is only dangerous if you're directly and perfectly in front of him, right in line with his beak. the fireball itself is quite damaging depending on your armor. basic armor is NOT recommended when fighting a kut-ku.
He has a rage mode fireball toss which is quite dangerous but extremely easy to avoid. he straightens up and begins hucking up fireballs left and right. just be right behind him to avoid this little fireworks display.

6. Distant flight charge
if you're very far away from a kut-ku, they'll try to close the gap by flying in, they're actually quite fast and the flight charge is quite damaging, but fortunately it's easy to avoid if you're clever. 

7.Flying back wind-stagger
A stagger ability that mostly disrupts the flow of combat by putting you into windpress stun, this isn't actually dangerous, and kut-ku lacks any real follow up options to speak of. if you don't move out of the windpress the only two things to worry about are his charge, peck, and most likely, his fireball. the fireball is the more likely attack to catch you, otherwise, just be ready for another attack, by the time you recover, you should be able to avoid it.
Rage mode
All of his attacks get faster, he uses his tripping crash charge ender religiously and basically hits harder. he also uses the multi-fireball chuck of doom.

Hunger mode
Kut-Ku's attacks are slower for a set period of time, and he'll often pause to drool and whine, this is free hit time, but be ready for his tail swipe, he abuses it during hunger mode.
eventually, kut-ku will just say "fuck it" and magically dig Konchu out of the ground to get out of hunger mode, which begs the question, why doesn't he do this right from the off?

Weakness zones
His head takes the most damage, his tail is also a decent place to do damage, as are his wings, but knocking him down by attacking his legs will prove troublesome, as a kut-ku's legs are tough, so tough in fact that it's almost a bad idea to go for a knockdown.

Elemental Weaknesses
His wings are weakest to water and his head is weakest to ice.
he inflicts fireblight whenever he lands a fireball, so keep this in mind and be ready to stop drop and roll.
fireblight is no joke.

Breaks and useful things
Kut-ku's only visible break is his ears. the problem with this is you might want them intact if you expect to go for his weakness to sound.
yep, that's right, all yian kut-ku have an inherent weakness to sound, but it comes with drawbacks.
first off, any explosion will put a kut-ku into a stunned state, he straightens up like he's in pain, then proceeds to sway around and whimper a lot.
He also drops a shiny when this happens, so it's a legitimate reason to abuse his weakness for everwood report drops.
when knocked out of flight he may drop a shiny as well.
any explosive or loud sonic sound will do, a small barrel bomb would be enough to trigger it. if you're having trouble with him, just lay a small barrel bomb down.
however! this triggers his rage mode the moment he recovers, meaning you better make those openings count. once enraged, sound weakness won't work until he's calmed down.
likewise breaking his ears will remove this weakness, but you might want those ear drops of his for kut-ku armor and weapons, always a good starter set.
Finally, any monster roar can trigger his sound weakness, once I had a basarios enter the zone, notice us and roar, this immediately stunned poor kut-ku, leading to his untimely demise at the hands of my greatsword!

Weakness signs
His ears will eventually fold when his health is critical, for those who have the mats, this is the time for you to make a trap and lay it down after tracking him to his lair for tranquilizing. just in case you don't want to fight him to the death. he also visibly staggers away, but the ears folding are the most obvious and reliable weakness sign you'll need.

Recommended Weapons.
Unlike great jaggi, who you only need good long range weapons against to keep his minions under control, kut-ku is good for any melee weapon. ranged might be problematic, as his charge often involves those fireballs he flings to the side, that said his legs are usually one of the only places to safely strike with a weapon if you're new to this sort of fight, so ranged would also be fairly good against him.
longswords aren't as useful here because his leg size prevents a fade slash from landing unless you work on your spacing and timing.
use an ice hammer for his head, or a water-based greatsword for his wings, he doesn't have any tailcuts (that I'm aware of) so going for a tailcut is a waste of time.
For heavy bowgun users (special thanks to Astragon for supplying the ammo list) the best ammo to use is pellet and normal 2.

Yian Kut-Ku is your entry level wyvern, his only redeeming quality in this game is his new G-rank attacks and the fact that he now has a rabid love of konchu. he'll mentally prepare you for a wyvern, that's about it. his materials do make for good fire based weapons though, so don't overlook them, especially the dual swords and greatswords.
that aside, kut-ku is adorable and a fan-favorite in the series. Happy hunting! I'll get back to you later with another guide on a certain monster.....
yeah, gore magala...maybe...

TL;DR version, ice hammers for hitting his head, big explosions to get free hits in until his ears break. beware his tail swipe and charge in rage mode, his hunger mode lasts as long as he wants it to. don't get hit by his easy to avoid fireballs and stick to countering his pecks and missed tailswipes for headshots. bring pellet and lvl2 normal shots if you're a heavy bowgunner.

The Brilliant And Amazing Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Monster Guide: Great Jaggi (all ranks)

The Great Jaggi is one of the first monsters you ever encounter in MH4U, and as you can imagine, it's not exactly a pusho- Oh who the hell are we trying to fool? this thing is the krillin-no, the yamcha of monster hunter! the only reason this thing even gets a Guide is because it's technically a large monster and I am required to note methods of defeating it.
Great jaggi claws are also quite useful for crafting, so you may be called upon to hunting it more often than you expect.
regardless, it's the first big monster you hunt, and despite being a total pushover, it DOES have some attacks you need to watch out for.


1.The basic bite.
This thing's bite attack goes forward a bit, but can be quite easily avoided with enough space, you can also roll.
it follows up this bite with a slightly longer bite attack animation, and it can followup the frontal bites with little real recovery animation.

2. The turn bite.
this bite attack is mainly a concern when you're right beside or behind him, just move away a bit.
it should also be noted that a wide variety of wyverns have the turning bite attack, the most dangerous variant belonging to the ankantor and ukanlos, and i'll get to that much later on.

3. The spin.
the single most useless, poorly damaging attack in a great jaggi's arsenal, it whips around like it's dancing, the attack does a tiny bit more damage than a common bite, but is very, very easy to avoid.

4. the hip check
this one's actually fairly dangerous and all brute wyverns share this attack. (he's a bird wyvern with a brute moveset) the jaggi turns a bit, howls out and rushes in with its side. to avoid this attack you need to roll just outside of the tail, or just a pace above the head as it comes sweeping past. it is NOT recommended that you roll away from G Jaggi, he loves to follow this attack up quite a bit.
Rage mode.
During rage mode G. Jaggi howls, then performs a "rage roar" which is basically a snarl, this leaves him wide open, and the jaggis he summons to the fight are easily defeated.

Honestly, his knockdowns aren't really based on leg damage, just damaging him at all will often send him flying.

Weak Spots
His weak spot is his head, with enough damage you can break his frill, if you want an everwood shiny drop, this is the way to do it.
recommended weapons
Greatsword and Longsword are your best bet if you wanna get this over with quick(er) he summons allies and the wide sweeping attacks of the greatsword and longsword can really lay into the crowds of jaggis he'll bring in to knock you around. the last thing you want is for one of the little bastards to knock you down just as he's readying the slam attack.

V General Approach.
You probably won't find it that hard to fight a G-jaggi to be honest, your best tactic is to hit it until it dies.
the bigger the weapon, the better is more or less the order of the day, sword and shield and dual sword users who are used to hitting small targets such as this probably won't have that much trouble either, but he dies faster to GS users.
Gamefaqs user Astragon supplied me with a quick list of recommended Heavy Bowgun Ammo types that work vs specific types of monsters, for G-Jaggi it would be pellet shot.
Early on this monster may prove troublesome if your armor isn't up to par, but only in the hordes of jaggi he summons.
the jaggi are a nuisance, but your best bet is to ignore them and focus on the great jaggi.
eventually he'll limp away and crawl into a den, you might want to paintball him if you're unfamiliar with where those tunnels lead or where his sleeping spot is.
after that you can capture him, bomb him (recommended if you haven't gotten that frill break by now) but otherwise just kill him and collect the rewards.

Other tactics to use vs a Great Jaggi
Basically once you get kut-ku armor, this guy is a cakewalk, he's the yamcha of monster hunter, what do you expect? hell, he's so weak that people often strive to find new and inventive ways to pwn the living shit out of him, as shown here: 

Hunt him for some basic mats or for fun, but once you've got his requirement out of the way, jaggi is the biggest bitch in the game. and your personal punching bag for training mode.
and this has been your brilliant and amazing guide for great jaggi, one for kut-ku coming soon.

TL;DR version.
Hit him until he dies, avoid the slamming hip check.