Thursday, June 4, 2015

The Brilliant And Amazing Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Monster Guide: Kecha Wacha (All Ranks)

Ah, the kecha wacha, one of the easier monsters in 4 Ultimate but certainly not the weakest. this is part of a long running theme I like to call "gimmick monsters with no redeeming qualities outside of their cuteness) every monster hunter game has had at least one per franchise, with unite it was the nargacuga, with tri it was the gobul and its silly sandfish counterpart. and with 4ultimate the ante has been upped with this little guy, part flying squirrel, capuchin, elephant and possibly a reference to buddhism, meet kecha wacha, the obligatory climbing monster.
he climbs.
a lot.

Not to say he's a bad design, quite the contrary, I like this gimmicky flying squirrel monkey elephant thingy! he's challenging, confusing and he makes writing guides a pain in the ass he's got so much going for him! so let's get right to it, BEFORE my fingers bleed to death.


Kecha is a climber, monster hunter 4 ultimate is a game determined to make use of verticality and kecha is the perfect compliment to that, he climbs, he uses most of the environment, he's tricky and can pop up from any angle and easy manage a crowd in a zone with vines or webs to hang from.

let's keep it simple for the moment, there's a lot to this little fellow.

1. the triple swipe.

His ordinary attack, he strikes once, twice, then a third strike from a flip that lands in a slamming attack. when kecha is enraged he likes to do his flip attack too hard and ends up getting stuck the little bugger! when beneath vines, kecha will immediately use the third strike's flip to hang instead of attack, changing his overall position and tactics.

2. The circular pound

He strikes the ground in a slow, steady semicircle over and over until he's turned a full 180 or so degrees, this attack is very damaging and comes with knockback, so try to be clear of him when he starts it.

3. The turn swipe.
when enraged, kecha will turn and strike you with his claw, as opposed to just turning around. you can see this coming when he turns to look at you.

4. triple water globs
triple globs seem to be a recurring attack in this game, each monster's triple glob attack has a different effect, and kecha's is waterblight, be sure not to get hit by these, they can do a modest bit of damage.

5.(G-rank) Floating well-aimed-double-Kecha bitchslap of death.
I made the name up, but it's accurate enough.
Mostly in G-rank (and I think high rank when he's mad) Kecha will take to the air, and depending on where you are he'll flip a few times to correct his trajectory before landing in a big double claw hug.
this attack is super-damaging and his best attack, so be ready for it.

6. flyback spitball
when he takes flight he may sometimes shoot a glob at you, this knocks him back a bit, prompting him to land.

7. Flying bitchslap
Kecha takes off and rushes toward you, swiping in with a single claw, this attack is fairly damaging, so be ready to dodge.

8. Charge
he rushes at you and knocks you back, same damage type as a common wyvern rush.

Vine and web specific attacks.

9. Triple kecha surprise attack.
when beneath you while you're atop vines or webs, kecha will suddenly dive up and strike once, then move a few paces ahead and strike twice, then move further ahead for a third, powerful strike before struggling a bit against the webs and pulling himself up.

10. Hanging strike
he hangs, then proceeds to swing twice, using the free claw to take a quick swipe at you while he travels around.

11. Hanging triple globs
he hangs by his tail and shoots 3 globs of water at you, the attack has more range in g-rank.

12. Kecha spin
he hangs upside down by his tail and performs a quick upside down spinning attack that knocks you down before clapping a few times to congratulate himself. the smug jerk.

13 Pop up
Kecha bursts up from the vines with a quick strike before climbing up, this is basically the third hit of kecha surprise attack.

14. vine grab
Kecha grabs the vines you're atop, or the webs, and proceeds to violently shake them around.

15. normal claw attack
he swipes in with his claw, ash kecha actually does this as a followup to triple swipe landing that allows him to instantly recover.

Useful things

Kecha drops shinies upon being knocked from his roost.
being the floppy eared felon that he is, kecha is susceptible to loud sounds.
breaking his ears will result in him losing this weakness.
Kecha can be knocked down easily by attacking his sides, near the end of the fights he'll be knocked down quite a bit, so enterprise on this early by damaging his legs.
Kecha can be trapped during the "struggling" animation from him popping up from vines, use this to your advantage.

Elemental weakness and recommended weapons.
He's weakest to fire and thunder.
it is best to take a longsword, their mobility will help you evade his rage mode turn strikes.
kecha's weakest point is his face (not the ears) and he protects his face in rage mode by folding his ears, they're still a good weak point too, so take advantage of this whenever possible.
For bowgun users, normal 2 is the way to go.

Method of approach.

Your goal here should be to set a kecha up for a knockdown, he's fairly susceptible to it, so focus on wearing away at his legs and forearms, especially for his forearm breaks, which may produce the coveted kecha talon.
Keep him away from vines if you can help it, when near a climbable surface, kecha becomes much more versatile thanks to his ability to switch into hanging attacks in the middle of a three strike combo.
if you're in a vine area with a kecha, stay atop the vines and lure him to solid ground away from the vines, don't give him an advantage.
for g-rank kecha the moment he takes to the air, get ready to dodge, his floating attack is incredibly powerful.
once you've broken his limbs, focus on getting knockdowns for free hits, use bombs to benefit from his weakness to sound and break his ears when he's weak.
once this is done, it's all a matter of avoiding his circular pound, triple swipe and rage-mode turning swipe while countering him.
When he's weak you can opt for a capture or kill him.

Rage mode and hunger mode traits
When in rage mode he becomes immune to flash and sonic bombs due to his ears folding over his face.
when hungry, kecha will spend occasions drooling hungrily, his attacks become slower and he's more susceptible to knockdown, taking a lot longer to recover if knocked down.

VI Other things to note.
Kecha has some of the best weapons in the game for water damage, you really want to start grinding kecha early for kecha talons. low rank kecha materials will get you some decent weapons, high rank will almost be on par with G, and G-rank...well....
You want those kecha weapons.
trust me.

TL;DR Version.
stick to his sides, avoid his turning swipes, in G-rank pay close attention when he's in flight and avoid his attack at all costs.  keep him away from vines, make some kecha weapons and be sure to use sonic bombs if you want quick openings.

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