Tuesday, June 2, 2015

The Brilliant And Amazing Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Monster Guide: Great Jaggi (all ranks)

The Great Jaggi is one of the first monsters you ever encounter in MH4U, and as you can imagine, it's not exactly a pusho- Oh who the hell are we trying to fool? this thing is the krillin-no, the yamcha of monster hunter! the only reason this thing even gets a Guide is because it's technically a large monster and I am required to note methods of defeating it.
Great jaggi claws are also quite useful for crafting, so you may be called upon to hunting it more often than you expect.
regardless, it's the first big monster you hunt, and despite being a total pushover, it DOES have some attacks you need to watch out for.


1.The basic bite.
This thing's bite attack goes forward a bit, but can be quite easily avoided with enough space, you can also roll.
it follows up this bite with a slightly longer bite attack animation, and it can followup the frontal bites with little real recovery animation.

2. The turn bite.
this bite attack is mainly a concern when you're right beside or behind him, just move away a bit.
it should also be noted that a wide variety of wyverns have the turning bite attack, the most dangerous variant belonging to the ankantor and ukanlos, and i'll get to that much later on.

3. The spin.
the single most useless, poorly damaging attack in a great jaggi's arsenal, it whips around like it's dancing, the attack does a tiny bit more damage than a common bite, but is very, very easy to avoid.

4. the hip check
this one's actually fairly dangerous and all brute wyverns share this attack. (he's a bird wyvern with a brute moveset) the jaggi turns a bit, howls out and rushes in with its side. to avoid this attack you need to roll just outside of the tail, or just a pace above the head as it comes sweeping past. it is NOT recommended that you roll away from G Jaggi, he loves to follow this attack up quite a bit.
Rage mode.
During rage mode G. Jaggi howls, then performs a "rage roar" which is basically a snarl, this leaves him wide open, and the jaggis he summons to the fight are easily defeated.

Honestly, his knockdowns aren't really based on leg damage, just damaging him at all will often send him flying.

Weak Spots
His weak spot is his head, with enough damage you can break his frill, if you want an everwood shiny drop, this is the way to do it.
recommended weapons
Greatsword and Longsword are your best bet if you wanna get this over with quick(er) he summons allies and the wide sweeping attacks of the greatsword and longsword can really lay into the crowds of jaggis he'll bring in to knock you around. the last thing you want is for one of the little bastards to knock you down just as he's readying the slam attack.

V General Approach.
You probably won't find it that hard to fight a G-jaggi to be honest, your best tactic is to hit it until it dies.
the bigger the weapon, the better is more or less the order of the day, sword and shield and dual sword users who are used to hitting small targets such as this probably won't have that much trouble either, but he dies faster to GS users.
Gamefaqs user Astragon supplied me with a quick list of recommended Heavy Bowgun Ammo types that work vs specific types of monsters, for G-Jaggi it would be pellet shot.
Early on this monster may prove troublesome if your armor isn't up to par, but only in the hordes of jaggi he summons.
the jaggi are a nuisance, but your best bet is to ignore them and focus on the great jaggi.
eventually he'll limp away and crawl into a den, you might want to paintball him if you're unfamiliar with where those tunnels lead or where his sleeping spot is.
after that you can capture him, bomb him (recommended if you haven't gotten that frill break by now) but otherwise just kill him and collect the rewards.

Other tactics to use vs a Great Jaggi
Basically once you get kut-ku armor, this guy is a cakewalk, he's the yamcha of monster hunter, what do you expect? hell, he's so weak that people often strive to find new and inventive ways to pwn the living shit out of him, as shown here: 

Hunt him for some basic mats or for fun, but once you've got his requirement out of the way, jaggi is the biggest bitch in the game. and your personal punching bag for training mode.
and this has been your brilliant and amazing guide for great jaggi, one for kut-ku coming soon.

TL;DR version.
Hit him until he dies, avoid the slamming hip check.

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