Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Dracula Vs Zobek In Lords of Shadow 2: How it really went.

You remember lords of shadow for a variety of reasons. it wasn't quite metroidvania, the protagonist was kratos with more clothing, etc.
but the biggest things that stood out were the satan final boss, and zobek stabbing you in the back.
the problem? you never got that closure with zobek, you never got to see what the third and final lord of shadow was going to be like in a fight.

in lords of shadow 2 they fixed that by giving us one of the most gratifying bosses in gaming history after what felt like years of being blueballed, and here's my impression of the fight in a quick drawing.

As you can well imagine, being the unstoppable lord of darkness that you are by the time you get to this point, zobek is horribly, woefully outmatched and outclassed. in los1 most of his attacks would have honestly proven troublesome, in los2 however dracula is broken as fuck. legitimately broken, he can do anything in this fight.
revenge is a dish best served cold, and without taking damage, which is precisely how I handled the fight in this video:

The greatest form of gratification in the world. shame my laptop broke down later on, this is always a highlight of lords of shadow 2's plot and it happens right after you find out that dracula pulls a "Kira" and has been playing zobek the whole time, 
kinda he was doing the exact same thing to you!

the entire plot of los2 is about dracula's vengeance, and it's made all the sweeter when you realize that you've basically made zobek's demise the single most ironic one in gaming history, moreso when you factor in that david cox himself implied that zobek may be serving as dracula's thrall after the events of LoS2.
Food for thought.

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