Tuesday, June 2, 2015

The Brilliant And Amazing Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Monster Guide: Yian Kut-Ku (Low Rank)

Yian Kut-Ku, a fire wyvern that looks about as intimidating as a teddy bear. this thing is the Krillin of common wyverns, but he's formidable nonetheless.
Unlike normal quests, Kut-kus of both colors are exclusive to the Everwood and thus not subject to being hunted outside of guild quests and the required intro quests featuring the red Kut-Ku.
a returning monster from freedom unite, he hasn't been around for a while and some things have changed, and we'll get to that in a second.

First, let's talk his attacks.


1.Common Peck
This attack is a rapid series of bird-like pecks that have a varying range per attack, he also has a jump forward version meant to close the distance between you and him.
finally he can follow up his charging attack with a peck, but fortunately there's a light space between the charge and the peck followup depending on where you're at in relation to him.
to avoid the peck, don't be anywhere in front of him, this attack tracks on top of having wildly varying range per peck.

2.Charge Attack
One of Kut-Ku's most evil and damaging attacks, he charges at you, tossing his head right to left and sending fireballs on either side of him while he rushes at you, he then enters a "tripping crash" animation when he gets close enough, or cancels the running charge for the aforementioned peck attack.
To avoid: The charge itself has no ending animation, the only danger from it is being struck by those fireballs. the tripping crash counts as a separate animation and is its own attack in certain instances, it's also his most dangerous move. to avoid the tripping crash, don't be right next to the kut-ku if you can help it, he can enter the tripping crash animation right from the off, with no warning or even clear telegraphing.
Yian Kut-Ku's charge is his most dangerous ability in rage mode, because he can use his non-telegraphed tripping crash almost all the time, and he usually will.

3.The Tail swipe turn
Kut-Ku is annoying because he uses his tail to swipe at you, kinda like what I mentioned with G-jaggi, only less sucky. the range on it is really hard to discern. best bet? anticipate it and get away.
fortunately the tail swipe is guaranteed to have a second swipe, and if you're out of range (I.E. on the other side of him and nowhere near the tip of the tail) you can use this to score a free hit.

4. Close Range Bite (AKA the useless-assed attack)
he bites in a slight scooping animation.
that's it, it's just a tiny quick bite attack at near point blank range that's so easy to avoid that you'd have to be retarded or really unlucky to get hit by it!
every wyvern has this attack, and it is universally worthless and does little to no real damage. at all. it's the dumbest attack in the game.

5. Fireball
Unlike normal "powerful" wyverns, kut-ku's fireballs are unique in that he just hucks up balls of fire which hit the ground and explode. the normal fireball is only dangerous if you're directly and perfectly in front of him, right in line with his beak. the fireball itself is quite damaging depending on your armor. basic armor is NOT recommended when fighting a kut-ku.
He has a rage mode fireball toss which is quite dangerous but extremely easy to avoid. he straightens up and begins hucking up fireballs left and right. just be right behind him to avoid this little fireworks display.

6. Distant flight charge
if you're very far away from a kut-ku, they'll try to close the gap by flying in, they're actually quite fast and the flight charge is quite damaging, but fortunately it's easy to avoid if you're clever. 

7.Flying back wind-stagger
A stagger ability that mostly disrupts the flow of combat by putting you into windpress stun, this isn't actually dangerous, and kut-ku lacks any real follow up options to speak of. if you don't move out of the windpress the only two things to worry about are his charge, peck, and most likely, his fireball. the fireball is the more likely attack to catch you, otherwise, just be ready for another attack, by the time you recover, you should be able to avoid it.
Rage mode
All of his attacks get faster, he uses his tripping crash charge ender religiously and basically hits harder. he also uses the multi-fireball chuck of doom.

Hunger mode
Kut-Ku's attacks are slower for a set period of time, and he'll often pause to drool and whine, this is free hit time, but be ready for his tail swipe, he abuses it during hunger mode.
eventually, kut-ku will just say "fuck it" and magically dig Konchu out of the ground to get out of hunger mode, which begs the question, why doesn't he do this right from the off?

Weakness zones
His head takes the most damage, his tail is also a decent place to do damage, as are his wings, but knocking him down by attacking his legs will prove troublesome, as a kut-ku's legs are tough, so tough in fact that it's almost a bad idea to go for a knockdown.

Elemental Weaknesses
His wings are weakest to water and his head is weakest to ice.
he inflicts fireblight whenever he lands a fireball, so keep this in mind and be ready to stop drop and roll.
fireblight is no joke.

Breaks and useful things
Kut-ku's only visible break is his ears. the problem with this is you might want them intact if you expect to go for his weakness to sound.
yep, that's right, all yian kut-ku have an inherent weakness to sound, but it comes with drawbacks.
first off, any explosion will put a kut-ku into a stunned state, he straightens up like he's in pain, then proceeds to sway around and whimper a lot.
He also drops a shiny when this happens, so it's a legitimate reason to abuse his weakness for everwood report drops.
when knocked out of flight he may drop a shiny as well.
any explosive or loud sonic sound will do, a small barrel bomb would be enough to trigger it. if you're having trouble with him, just lay a small barrel bomb down.
however! this triggers his rage mode the moment he recovers, meaning you better make those openings count. once enraged, sound weakness won't work until he's calmed down.
likewise breaking his ears will remove this weakness, but you might want those ear drops of his for kut-ku armor and weapons, always a good starter set.
Finally, any monster roar can trigger his sound weakness, once I had a basarios enter the zone, notice us and roar, this immediately stunned poor kut-ku, leading to his untimely demise at the hands of my greatsword!

Weakness signs
His ears will eventually fold when his health is critical, for those who have the mats, this is the time for you to make a trap and lay it down after tracking him to his lair for tranquilizing. just in case you don't want to fight him to the death. he also visibly staggers away, but the ears folding are the most obvious and reliable weakness sign you'll need.

Recommended Weapons.
Unlike great jaggi, who you only need good long range weapons against to keep his minions under control, kut-ku is good for any melee weapon. ranged might be problematic, as his charge often involves those fireballs he flings to the side, that said his legs are usually one of the only places to safely strike with a weapon if you're new to this sort of fight, so ranged would also be fairly good against him.
longswords aren't as useful here because his leg size prevents a fade slash from landing unless you work on your spacing and timing.
use an ice hammer for his head, or a water-based greatsword for his wings, he doesn't have any tailcuts (that I'm aware of) so going for a tailcut is a waste of time.
For heavy bowgun users (special thanks to Astragon for supplying the ammo list) the best ammo to use is pellet and normal 2.

Yian Kut-Ku is your entry level wyvern, his only redeeming quality in this game is his new G-rank attacks and the fact that he now has a rabid love of konchu. he'll mentally prepare you for a wyvern, that's about it. his materials do make for good fire based weapons though, so don't overlook them, especially the dual swords and greatswords.
that aside, kut-ku is adorable and a fan-favorite in the series. Happy hunting! I'll get back to you later with another guide on a certain monster.....
yeah, gore magala...maybe...

TL;DR version, ice hammers for hitting his head, big explosions to get free hits in until his ears break. beware his tail swipe and charge in rage mode, his hunger mode lasts as long as he wants it to. don't get hit by his easy to avoid fireballs and stick to countering his pecks and missed tailswipes for headshots. bring pellet and lvl2 normal shots if you're a heavy bowgunner.

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