Thursday, June 4, 2015

The Brilliant And Amazing Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Monster Guide: Seltas (High and low ranks)

The most underappreciated bug in gaming and the other version of yamcha in monster hunter, the Seltas is unique for its constant flight and the fact that it's the first time since the vespoid queen you've ever been made to fight a giant flying bug.
but don't let its uselessness fool you, when it combines with the seltas queen, their teamup becomes one of the most formidable fights in the game.
which shall be covered separately after more testing, right now we're talking Seltas solo.
seltas, much like great jaggi, dies super fast, in fact to get all the info i needed on its full moveset I had to take the double high rank seltas quest.

So let's get right to it shall we? first, the attacks.


Seltas likes to stay airborne for much of the fight, and it has very few, if any, really threatening abilities. that said seltas alone does have some technical advantages, such as its constant flying making it a bit harder to melee, (a tiny bit)
first we'll cover flying moves, since those are the only real issue.

1. Autocorrect flight
Not really an attack insomuch as the seltas just moving close to you, it lowers its horn and flies forward a bit, knocking the player back if it connects. this chips away at your health, so be a little aware of your bar, as it counts as a normal nuisance hit in the same way a wyvern stomp would. He does another variant where he repositions himself in a zigzag fashion, it makes slight swishing sounds but deals no damage.

2. Defense down globs
The seltas fires three globs of sticky green fluid which hit the player and inflict him with defense down, this is primarily to increase the damage of autocorrect flight, which starts to hurt when your defense goes down, and since most players won't really pay attention to it anyway, it makes it all the more dangerous. they do a bit of damage too, so be careful.

3. Seltas claw swipe
it strikes forward with both of its claws, this attack will send a hunter flying away, and this in turn buys the seltas time to send out more defense down globs, it's really annoying to get hit with this strike, so be careful.

4. Seltas claw sweep
Much like the wyverns with their tail sweep, seltas has his own variant of this with his claw, he turns twice really slowly, throwing out his claws and sweeping in a circular motion.
this attack does a fair bit of damage, so be careful with it.

5. Horn charge
The seltas will rush at you with is horn, stopping once the attack is done.
It does this twice when enraged, the attack is its big damage dealer, so avoid it.

6. Pin attack?
The fabled seltas pin attack is one of his rarest, and as of right now unconfirmed moves. it's unknown how to initiate it, or if it even exists, yet numerous accounts of its existence have been documented.
it's said the seltas only initiates the pin under rare circumstances, it's unknown if it's real or not, but there may be something to it.

When grounded
Seltas while grounded only has a bit of its full moveset, namely the swipe and the globs.
eventually it will leave the grounded state by taking off with a horn rush.


Seltas is weakest to thunder, followed by fire.
For HBG users, pellet shot is the best way to go.

Useful things.
Seltas will be knocked out of the air with enough damage, its horn, so long as it remains intact, can be used to bait it into getting stuck in a wall.
an enraged seltas in sunken hollow is ripe for this, if you can aim a seltas's charge, it'll get stuck in the wall in its sleep area, pull out and immediately charge again, this can be looped quite a few times for good damage opportunities.
a seltas that is knocked out of the air drops a shiny, a useful thing for everwood quests.
Seltas spend a lot of time airborne, due to this, they're harder to capture. your best bet would be to track down where one sleeps and set a trap right below them, climb up the wall to get to them and knock them into the trap. don't risk capturing one until they're asleep, if they take off and you lack flashbombs, then you've wasted a trap.

Recommended weapons.
Bowguns and heavy bowguns as well as bows, seltas is also good for heavy damage dealing melee as well, but those claw attacks can be very disruptive to your overall combat flow, so try to keep that in mind.

Your general approach
Seltas should be taken lightly. it's not a threat on its own, its designed to be a Seltas queen's support/happy meal so on its own it's not really a big monster insomuch as it's a lesser monster with a lot of health.
the defense down is the big thing to avoid here, but ideally you should try to have fun, keep its horn intact as long as you can in order to take advantage of it getting stuck in climbable walls, outside that? just avoid its charge and aim for its abdomen, where it takes the most damage. don't attack its front.

TL;DR version
Bring on the thunder, hit its ass until it dies, make it get stuck in walls over and over again when it's mad for a few keks. avoid the pointy end when it charges. knocking it out of flight gives shinies.

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